12.5 – 15 million unemployed by 1932 Unemployment rate hits 25% by 1932 1/6 of the unemployed out of work for 2 yrs Family income $1500/yr. (1932) Reduction in marriages and birthrates 1/6 of families “doubled up” to save expenses
Lifestyles changed due to the depression Planting gardens Canning foods Making clothes Baking bread Second jobs (mowing lawns, baby sitting, collecting bottles ‘2 cents’ returns)
70% of Chicago’s blacks made less than $1000/yr. 1/3 earned less than $500 Fatherless homes due to unemployment rates and desertions grows African-Americans were “last hired and first fired” when times got tough.
1932 Bonus Army marches on Washington DC Hoover administration keeps saying, “prosperity is right around the corner” Hoover’s “rugged individualists” of ‘28 were now “ragged individualists” in ‘32 The people wanted a “New Deal” and soon so they turned to FDR.