Exhortations From Heb 2:1
The Danger Of Drifting Many will deny this [Denominationalism] “Once Saved, Always Saved” is comforting The writer of Hebrews teaches differently Heb 2:3 3: :4-6, 12 10:26 Whether or not we hear God is of eternal consequence Mt 17:5
“Currents” That Cause Drifting Worldliness Worldliness This may be the strongest of such “currents” The warnings Jn 15: : :36 1 Jn 2: :13 Rom 12:2 Jas 4:4
“Currents” That Cause Drifting Worldliness Worldliness This may be the strongest of such “currents” The warnings Jn 15: : :36 1 Jn 2: :13 Rom 12:2 Jas 4:4 At the same time, we must be aware of more subtle “currents” that can take just as far
“Currents” That Cause Drifting Ignorance Ignorance Not a more sure way to be lost Hos 4:6 There is safety in knowledge…not just knowing but doing Heb 5:12-14 Eph 5:17 2 Pet 3:18 Those who make no attempt to grow are certain to “drift away” to their destruction
“Currents” That Cause Drifting Time Time The passage of time can cause a loss of fervor in a disciple Rev 2:4 The passage of time can cause weariness in doing the Lord’s will Gal 6:9 One might be tempted to “rest on laurels” instead of pressing on Phil 3:12-14
“Currents” That Cause Drifting Familiarity Familiarity It is the careless disciple who becomes more complacent the more he becomes aware of truth Acts 17:18-21 Jer 6:16 Truth must never lose its “freshness” with those who live by it Acts 17:11 Jas 1:21 2 Thess 2:10
“Currents” That Cause Drifting Familiarity Familiarity Reminders help saints to continue appreciating Divine truth 2 Pet 1: :1
Conclusion Part of preaching is exhorting…another part is warning Titus 2:11-15 Warning about things one may already know Apostasy is subtle One can be lulled into apathy and before he realizes it, he has “drifted” from safety
Conclusion We must not enter forbidden waters 2 Jn 9 Even more so, we must take precaution so that we not drift away Being anchored is the key Heb 6:19 Paying attention to truth is how Heb 2:1-3 Anchor to Christ…lest you drift away!!