Food Service Update Jack Noonan – General Manager August 16, 2012
Lunch By School
Breakfast By School
Lunch Comparison to Lunch Diff MHS % ECC % GOL % RSE % MMS % MAL % SHS % SES % GRS % HOP % JAS % CHS % CES % GES % GHS % %
Breakfast Comparison to Brkfst Diff MHS % ECC % GOL % RSE % MMS % MAL % SHS % SES % GRS % HOP % JAS % CHS % CES % GES % GHS % %
HHFKA Information for School Year This was created because of Childhood Obesity nationwide Changes-More whole grains for at least half of our offerings Students will be required to take a min. half cup serving of Fruits or Vegetables Vegetables need to be nutrient dense- dark green/red orange (brocc/Sweet Pot) Sodium-new imperative-sodium reduction over 10 year period- 50% reduction Legumes will be offered once a week-Baked Beans/Refried Beans/Black Beans French Fries will no longer be fried-we will have to go to baked Snacks and beverage guidelines are not finished but the beverages are<66cal/8oz We won’t be able to offer a cheeseburger or chicken sandwich or pizza every day We will be able to sell things ala carte that will give them their regular choices If they chose ala carte they will have to pay cash or charge, not reimbursable Our menus will have 5 components now instead of 4 Previously we had Grains/Meat-Meat Alternative/Veg &Fruit/ Milk; Now F&V separate We will post signage around to let folks know what selections can be made Cashiers will need to be alerting children to their compliance with the new program This will be a huge learning and adjusting time for students and staff There will be no changes to adult selections at this time We will continue to try and help satisfy students needs
Jackson County & Sodexo Partnership Since July 1, 2003 QUESTIONS ?????????? Thank you for supporting the JCSB Food Service Department Please visit the JCSB web site at and click on the “Food Service” tab Remember – Be Smart - Eat Smart – Live Smart If you need to reach us try one of the following: or ext 240