EGEE-III INFSO-RI Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE and gLite are registered trademarks EGEE: Enabling grids for E-Science Bob Jones EGEE project director CERN
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE-III INFSO-RI EGEE - Bob Jones - June EGEE-III Main Objectives –Expand/optimise existing EGEE infrastructure, include more resources and user communities –Prepare migration from a project- based model to a sustainable federated infrastructure based on National Grid Initiatives Flagship Grid infrastructure project co-funded by the European Commission Duration: 2 years Consortium: ~140 organisations across 33 countries EC co-funding: 32Million €
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE-III INFSO-RI EGEE - Bob Jones - June 2009 ~280 sites 48 countries >139,000 CPU cores >25 PetaBytes disk, >38PB tape >13,000 users > 38 0,000 jobs/day
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE-III INFSO-RI EGEE - Bob Jones - June Applications >260 VOs from several scientific domains –Astronomy & Astrophysics –Civil Protection –Computational Chemistry –Comp. Fluid Dynamics –Computer Science/Tools –Condensed Matter Physics –Earth Sciences –Fusion –High Energy Physics –Life Sciences More applications and user communities every month
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE-III INFSO-RI Earth Sciences Applications –Atmospheric chemistry, Meteorology, Solid earth physics, Hydrology, Climate Dissemination –Session at European Geosciences Union (EGU) in 2008 –Special issue of journal with 12 peer-reviewed papers Users –7 Virtual Organisations with a total of 237 users EGEE - Bob Jones - June
6 Grid and Climate Change: Climate-G The goal of Climate-G is to create an open and unified environment for climate change enabling geographical and cross-institutional data discovery, access, analysis, visualization and sharing. This is a proof of concept for the involved grid technologies and it is supported by the Earth Science Cluster Community (EGEE Project). A virtual laboratory involving partners both in Europe and US Open, distributed and service-based approach Issues: data distribution, data format heterogeneity, metadata management, security, transparent access to the system, scalable approach, … S. Fiore & G. Aloisio Scientific Computing and Operations Division, CMCC, Italy
EGEE - Bob Jones - June Climate-G partnership
EGEE - Bob Jones - June A complete architectural overview
Goal: Long-term sustainability of grid infrastructures in Europe Approach: Establish a federated model bringing together National Grid Infrastructures (NGIs) to build the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) EGI Organisation: Coordination and operation of a common multi-national, multi- disciplinary Grid infrastructure To enable and support international Grid-based collaboration To provide support and added value to NGIs To liaise with corresponding infrastructures outside Europe
Uniting our strengths to realise a sustainable European grid