Adductors, Quads, Femoral Triangle Session 13
Objectives Describe the relationships, attachments, innervations, and actions of the anterior and medial thigh musculature. Know the course and function of the thigh neurovasculature.
Index card template: Name Question Text A B C Answer
Writing Questions Individually, write 1 multiple choice question on an index card for each: structural relationships, muscle action based on attachment sites (not actions listed in TB), and movement that is prevented/restricted by ligaments. Do NOT write the answer on the card, keep it in your head. If you are unsure of muscle or ligament action/function, ask someone. Finish writing your questions by 12:15. If you have extra time, write more questions! Questions can be multiple choice or true/false Questions about imaginary patients are encouraged!
Rules You may not answer your own question. First person to get the right answer wins a point. Person at the end of class with the most points wins! Prize: 1 bonus point on this weeks’ lab quiz!