0 天線工程期中 論文 研討 : S.J. Jeong and K.C. Hwang “Compact loop-coupled spiral antenna for multiban wireless USB dongles” ELECTRONICS LETTERS 18th March 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

0 天線工程期中 論文 研討 : S.J. Jeong and K.C. Hwang “Compact loop-coupled spiral antenna for multiban wireless USB dongles” ELECTRONICS LETTERS 18th March 2010 Vol. 46 No. 6 報告人 : 碩研電子二甲 MA 張冠程 Southern Taiwan University Department of Electronic Engineering

1 摘要 研究方向 : A compact spiral antenna with a loop element for wireless USB dongle devices is proposed. The proposed loop-coupled spiral antenna covers the WiBro, Bluetooth, WLAN, WiMAX and satellite digital multime-dia broadcast (S-DMB) bands. 1 Compact loop-coupled spiral antenna for multiband wireless USB dongles, S.J. Jeong and K.C. Hwang

2 天線設計 Antenna are 10×50×1 mm Reflection bandwidth 210 dB Resonant frequencies 19% and 27.6% Measured peak gain of the antenna 3.92 dBi 2 Compact loop-coupled spiral antenna for multiband wireless USB dongles, S.J. Jeong and K.C. Hwang

3 結構圖 (1/2) The designed antenna hasdimensions of 10×50×1 mm The radiating patch including the spiral and loop elements is designed to fit into an area of 10×10 mm owing to the space limitation ofUSB dongles 3 Compact loop-coupled spiral antenna for multiband wireless USB dongles, S.J. Jeong and K.C. Hwang a:Geometry of proposed antenna b:Detailed parameters of radiating patch c:Side view

4 4 Compact loop-coupled spiral antenna for multiband wireless USB dongles, S.J. Jeong and K.C. Hwang Shows the simulated surface current vectors of the opti-mised antenna at 2.5 and 5.5 GHz. At the lower resonant frequency, the surface current is mainly distributed on the spiral patch whereas the surface current at the higher resonant frequency is concentrated on the loop patch 結構圖 (2/2)

5 5 Compact loop-coupled spiral antenna for multiband wireless USB dongles, S.J. Jeong and K.C. Hwang 1.The measured result and the simulated result using Ansoft HFSS are in good agreement. It was also observed that the measured210 dB 2.operating bandwidths for the lower band and upper band are 19.0% (2.29–2.77 GHz) and 27.6% (4.55–6.01 GHz), respectively 3.Therefore, the proposed USB antenna is shown to be capable of covering the WiBro (2.3–2.4 GHz),Bluetooth (2.4– GHz), WiMAX (2.5– 2.7 GHZ), satellite DMB(2.605–2.655 GHz) and b/g/a WLAN (2.4–2.485 and 5.15– GHz) bands. 模擬結果

6 It was observed that the measured radiation patterns show nearly omnidirectional characteristics at 2.5 GHz.Table 1shows the measured total efficiencies and peak gains against the frequencies.The total antenna efficiency is greater than 55% for all measured frequencies. The peak gain is 3.92 dBi at 5.2 GHz with gain variation of less than 1.9 dBi Compact loop-coupled spiral antenna for multiband wireless USB dongles, S.J. Jeong and K.C. Hwang

7 參考文獻 1 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2 Tsachtsiris, G.F., Soras, C.F., Karaboikis, M.P., and Makios, V.T.:‘Analysis of a modified Sierpinski gasket monopole antenna printed ondual band wireless devices’,IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2004, 52,(10), pp. 2571– Pan, C.-Y., Horng, T.-S., Chen, W.-S., and Huang, C.-H.: ‘Dual wideband printed monopole antenna for WLAN/WiMAX applications’,IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., 2007, 6, pp. 149–151 4 Park, P., and Choi, J.: ‘Internal multibandmonopole antenna for wireless-USB dongle application’,Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., 2009, 51, (7),pp. 1786– Chen, W.-S., and Ku, K.-Y.: ‘A microstrip-fed monopole antenna for WLAN USB applications’,Microw. J., 2008, 51, (3), pp. 104–107 6 Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS), ver. 10, 7 Hwang, K.C.: ‘Design and optimization of a broadband waveguide magic-T using a stepped conducting cone’,IEEE Microw. Wirel.Compon. Lett., 2009, 19, (9), pp. 539–541 7

8 心得 雖然我走的領域跟這篇文章並無太大關聯,但式上這堂課 目的,我想是要學習如何去閱讀 Paper ,並且將內容以簡報 模式表達出來,也學到了課程以外新的知識,增廣見聞。 謝謝文山老師上課很用心的再教我們,也跟我們說了外 有關企業的情況,並且已業界授課方式來幫我們上課,謝 謝您的用心。