Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме: «Степени сравнения прилагательных» Цель: создание иллюстративно-информационного пособия, используемого на уроках английского языка при изучении темы «Степени сравнения прилагательных». Задачи: поддержать интерес к изучению английского языка; введение новой грамматической темы; тренировка учащихся по теме; развитие навыков устной речи, чтения и аудирования; расширение кругозора учащихся; развитие познавательного интереса; развитие способностей к логическому мышлению, развитие догадки; развитие у учащихся внимания, веры в себя, в свои способности, чтобы дети раскованно, с удовольствием говорили на английском языке.
COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES cheap – cheaper – the cheapest dirty – dirtier than – the dirtiest expensive – more expensive – the most expensive interesting - more interesting - the most interesting Good – better – the best Bad – worse – the worst Much/many – more – the most Little – less – the least
Comparison of one syllable adjectives
long longer the longest
talltallerthe tallest
fast faster the fastest
bigbig bigger the biggest
Comparison of two syllable adjectives ending in -y
slowly slowlier the slowliest
Comparison of two or more syllable adjectives
beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
Jack Larry Ben Ben is younger than Larry. Jack is the youngest in the family. (tall)Ben is taller than Jack. Larry is the tallest. (young)
hard cold easy hot good expensive thin heavy dangerous bad Adjective comparative superlative
Check your progress Adjective comparative superlative hardharderthe hardest coldcolderthe coldest easyeasierthe easiest hothotterthe hottest goodbetterthe best expensivemore expensivethe most expensive thinthinnerthe thinnest heavyheavierthe heaviest dangerousmore dangerousthe most dangerous badworse the worst WELL DONE!
Let’s have a rest!
Hello, … I ’ m in … now. I want to tell you about it. London is … (old) city in England. There are many sights to see: Big Ben, The Tower, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Tower Bridge.
Card 1 Task 1 Fill in the table: happier, the cheapest, better, smaller, the hottest, more beautiful, the best, the happiest, the most beautiful, the smallest, cheaper, hotter. small happy beautiful cheap good hot Task 2 Write the right comparative. 1.My hair is ____________________ (long) than my sister ’ s hair 2.This exercise is _____________ (difficult) than the one we did yesterday. 3.Gold is _____________________(expensive) than silver. 4.Cathy is ____________________(pretty) girl in our class. 5.Moscow is __________ ________(large) city in Russia.
Check your answers! Task 1 smallsmallerThe smallest happyHappierThe happiest beautifulMore beautifulThe most beautiful cheapcheaperThe cheapest goodBetterThe best hothotterThe hottest Task 2 1.My hair is longer than my sister ’ s hair 2.This exercise is more difficult than the one we did yesterday. 3.Gold is more expensive than silver. 4.Cathy is prettiest girl in our class. 5.Moscow is the largest city in Russia.
Home task WB ex. 7, p. 52