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PowerPoint Historical Review
cathleen belleville a bit better corporation
Who is this chick? 1989-1995: Microsoft 1995-2000: A Bit Better Corp.
PowerPoint product manager head of product planning for graphics business unit : A Bit Better Corp. creator of “Screen Beans” PowerPoint consulting services
Prehistoric Presentations
1981: IBM PCs MS-DOS Lotus 1-2-3 CPM-86 Word Perfect slide presentations sent out to Genigraphics, Chartmasters big business, slow turn-around, good results overhead presentations made by enlarging typewriter pages, and copying on to transparencies tedious, slow, expensive, bad results any font you want as long as it was Courier 12 1984: Apple Macintosh MacWrite MacPaint Word
April 1987: PowerPoint 1 published by Forethought of Sunnyvale, CA
originally named “Presenter” and designed for Windows 2.0 2 developers, 16 months coding done using a Lisa with two 5 MB hard drives connected via the serial port ran on any Macintosh with 512K RAM and a floppy drive—no hard disk required All slides in one file Slide Master Handout Pages Notes Pages Slide Show Lines, Boxes, Circles Black and White Hardbound Book
May 1988: PowerPoint 2 August 87, Microsoft acquires Forethought; product unit stays in California Aldus ships Persuasion 1.0 for Macintosh: outliner multiple masters graphing polygons Harvard Graphics for DOS Lotus Freelance for DOS Find/Replace Spell Checking Color (for Mac II) Color Schemes Shaded fills Microsoft Packaging Genigraphics driver for slides
May 1990: Win PowerPoint 2 first presentation product for Windows 3.0
fonts a major problem for everyone Harvard Graphics announces move to OS/2; later ships Windows product with same UI as DOS version Lotus Freelance ships newly designed product on OS/2, then Windows Aldus slow to release buggy, slow Windows product with poor Mac file compatibility 256-color support WYSIWYG, direct manipulation UI Bullets! Graphing Share files with Mac Translates Harvard Graphics Files
May 1992: PowerPoint 3 first app to require Windows 3.1
introduction of TrueType Fonts major release with shared code between Mac and Windows versions Aldus share leader on Macintosh Harvard Graphics share leader on PCs Microsoft puts serious effort into promoting Microsoft Office Outlining Drawing Tools Transition Effects Graphing on Mac Builds Flying Bullets Sound & Video Pen Computing support
February 1994: PowerPoint 4.0 the suite battles begin
Lotus ships SmartSuite: 1-2-3, Ami Pro, Freelance Graphics Word Perfect ships PerfectOffice: Word Perfect, Quattro Pro, Draw Perfect Harvard Graphics can’t find a dance partner Aldus ignores Windows market, focuses on Mac Office look and feel: tooltips, toolbars, status bar Full OLE 2.0 AutoLayouts AutoContent Wizard Word Tables Rehearsal, Hidden Slides
February 1994: PowerPoint 7 application version numbers go to hell
Microsoft owns major market share on PCs and Macs due to phenomenal sales of Office Lotus bought by IBM who pretends not to notice WordPerfect bought by Novell Aldus acquired by Adobe and left to rot Harvard suffers slow agonizing death Rewritten in C++ VBA programmability Real curves, textures New animation effects Meeting minder AutoCorrect, Insert Symbol Black & White View
May 1997: PowerPoint 97 most of original PowerPoint team has left
Microsoft has dominant market share -- virtually no competition central office development team makes most product decisions focus on electronic presentations and on-line documents virtually “documentation free” Office Assistant File compression Save to HTML Improved sound and animation controls Pack and Go AutoClipArt ScreenBeans Transparent GIFs
June 1999: Office 2000 now 4 versions of Office, that ship nine different products typical installation of Office Premium: 626 MB for all nine apps PowerPoint 2000 Tri-Pane View Picture bullets Animated GIFs Save to Web AutoFit Text Real Tables Presentation Conferencing Aliased Fonts
Shameless Self Promotion
powerpoint FAQ with many many pages of questions “ask powerpoint”: powerpoint questions answered powerpoint tips and tricks resources for presenters screenbeans clip art, with new “business communication” collection
thank you for not throwing things
cathy belleville a bit better corporation
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