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Table Setting and Etiquette. PROPER TABLE SETTING.

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Presentation on theme: "Table Setting and Etiquette. PROPER TABLE SETTING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table Setting and Etiquette


3 Place Setting Steps The forks go on the left. The knife and spoon go on the right. The knife blade faces the plate. The drinks go on the right. The bread and butter plate and salad plate go on the left.

4 Formal Place Setting


6 American Style Eating Spear the food with a fork using the left hand with the forefinger pointing toward the tines. Hold the knife by the handle in the right hand. The forefinger points toward the blade, but does not rest on the blade. Cut off one piece at a time. Never hold a knife, fork or spoon in your fist.

7 American Style Eating Place the knife towards the top of the plate. Shift the fork to the right hand. Hold the handle slightly between the index finger and the third finger. Bring food to your mouth. Switch back and forth throughout the meal.

8 American Style Eating


10 American Style – Resting Position Between bites or “resting position” – The knife is placed on the right side of the plate in the 4 o’clock position. – Blade in – The fork placed on the left side in the 8 o’clock position – Tines of the fork placed up

11 American Style – Resting Position

12 American Style – I’m Finished When finished eating or “I’m finished” position – The knife and fork are placed side by side on the right side of the plate in the 4 o’clock position. – The fork on the inside, tines up. – The knife on the outside, blade in.

13 American Style – I’m Finished

14 Continental Style Eating Hold the flatware the same as the American style. The only difference is you do NOT switch hands with the knife or fork. The fork will always stay in the left hand. The knife will always stay in the right hand.

15 Continental Style Eating You never set the knife or fork down unless you are going to take a drink of beverage. You may rest your forearms on the edge of the table.

16 Continental Style Eating


18 Continental Style – Resting Position Between bites or “resting position” – The knife and fork are crossed in the center of the plate – Fork tines pointed down.

19 Continental Style – Resting Position

20 Continental Style – I’m Finished “I am finished” position – The knife and fork are placed side by side on the right side of the plate at the 4 o’clock position. – The fork on the inside, tines are down – The knife is on the outside, blade in.

21 Continental Style – I’m Finished


23 Napkin Placement The napkin should be placed in your lap immediately after sitting down. When leaving the table, place the napkin on the chair. When finished, place the napkin to the left of the place setting.

24 Tipping A tip should be 15% of the bill

25 Cell Phone Use Cell phones should be on silent or vibrate. Do not initiate a call while dining. Check text messages in private. – That does not mean under the table when your company is not looking!!

26 Table Manners When choosing a piece of flatware move from the outside in. Chew with your mouth closed Avoid slurping Cut only one piece of food at a time.

27 Table Manners Butter roll one piece at a time Avoid slouching Don’t place elbows on the table Pass the food to the right. Don’t place used flatware back on the table.

28 Summary Knowing the proper table setting and etiquette techniques will help avoid uncomfortable or awkward situations while dining.

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