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Week 3: Creative Writing Ms. Moran. Monday, September 21, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

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Presentation on theme: "Week 3: Creative Writing Ms. Moran. Monday, September 21, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 3: Creative Writing Ms. Moran

2 Monday, September 21, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

3 Do Now 0 We have now had 9 days of class. What is one thing you have learned in those 9 days that has stuck with you? 0 Walk and talk…

4 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: By Wednesday finish the rough draft of your story. // For Friday, finish your story. 0 Monday: Story Generators 0 Tuesday: Dialogue and Stories 0 Wednesday: Commas and Rewriting 0 Thursday: Proofreading and Rewriting 0 Friday: Poems

5 What’s up today? 0 Use a story generator to find a strong opening line for a story and then write the end of the story 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Story generator 0 Ticket to Leave

6 Free Write 0 “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” —Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina 0 Use this first line to write your own short story.

7 Today’s Vocabulary: Arbitrary 0 based on random choice, personal whims rather than reason or logic.

8 Story Generator 0 0 Go to the website. 0 Click generate a story 0 Spend 10 minutes drawing a picture or writing a word map or making an outline 0 See Ms. Moran’s options on the board. 0 Let’s do one together first

9 Writing 0 20 minutes to write 0 Then, switch with a partner. 0 Let’s look at our “Giving Feedback on Writing” sheet

10 Ticket to Leave 0 What do you have to finish tonight on your story?

11 Please move the desks back to rows

12 Tuesday, September 22, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

13 Do Now 0 What’s your favorite book or movie and why? 0 We are all going to share!

14 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: By tomorrow, finish the rough draft of your story // For Friday, finish your story. 0 Monday: Story Generators 0 Tuesday: Dialogue and Stories 0 Wednesday: Commas and Rewriting 0 Thursday: Proofreading and Rewriting 0 Friday: Poems

15 What’s up today? 0 Write and revise dialogue in your story 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Dialogue Reading and Model 0 Ticket to Leave

16 Free Write 0 Your character kidnaps a baby. (Why?) Your character's husband/wife, discovers your character changing diapers in the living room, and wants to know what's going on. Write the conversation. What happens next?

17 Today’s Vocabulary attribute 0 a quality or characteristic of someone or something

18 Bonus Words 0 Vivid: brightly colored 0 Trigger: the thing you pull on a gun that causes it to fire 0 Extrovert: a person who is comfortable sharing and talking to others in groups 0 Introvert: a person who is often quiet in large groups and prefers to keep their thoughts to themselves

19 Reading 0 Read and annotate “Punctuating Dialogue” 0 Remember, annotation is when you write on a text (follow the directions on the page) 0 Conversation Model from free writes 0 Actors?

20 Writing Dialogue 0 Using the script, work with your table to write an accurate dialogue. 0 Follow the rules for dialogue and ask Ms. Moran if you get confused! 0 When you’re finished, show Ms. Moran. 0 TWO SHOUT OUTS each for the table that gets it right the first time!

21 Ticket to Leave 0 Act out the dialogue in Spongebob.

22 Please move the desks back to rows

23 Wednesday, September 23, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

24 Do Now 0 Read the rough draft of your story silently to yourself. 0 Complete the self-evaluation.

25 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: For Friday, finish your story. 0 Monday: Story Generators 0 Tuesday: Dialogue and Stories 0 Wednesday: Commas and Rewriting 0 Thursday: Proofreading and Rewriting 0 Friday: Poems

26 What’s up today? 0 Revise writing to use commas correctly 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Commas and rewriting 0 Ticket to Leave

27 Free Write 0. If you could change any one thing in the world, what would it be and why?

28 Today’s Vocabulary: beneficial 0 having positive or helpful effects and results

29 Reading 0 Read and annotate “In Praise of the Humble Comma” 0 Write at least 4 comments. 0 What do you agree with? 0 What do you disagree with? 0 What questions do you have?

30 Comma Rules Notes 0 To separate independent clauses joined by any of these seven conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet. 0 After introductory a) clauses, b) phrases, or c) words that come before the main clause: Suddenly, he turned. // Afterward, he was sad. 0 Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off clauses, phrases, and words that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence: He walked, slowly, down the street. 0 Use commas to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses written in a series: I bought milk, sugar, and bread. 0 To separate two or more adjectives that describe the same noun: The dog was a wet, smelly mess. 0 To shift between the main discourse and a quotation: He said, “I love writing!”

31 Comma Posters 0 Each group will make 2 posters for 2 rules. 0 Each poster needs: 0 Rule 0 3 examples 0 1 non-example- an example where it is done wrong

32 If time… 0 Re-read your paper 0 Focus on one comma rule at a time (we will do this more tomorrow) 0 Are there errors in your paper? If so, correct them. 0 Are there maybe errors in your paper? If so, underline / highlight them and check with a partner or Ms. Moran

33 Ticket to Leave 0 Correct the following sentences by adding commas: 0 Oil which is lighter than water rises to the surface. 0 Nice is a word with many meanings and some of them are contradictory. 0 He replied "I have no idea what you mean."

34 Please move the desks back to rows

35 Thursday, September 24, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

36 Do Now 0 Correct the following sentences by adding commas. 0 Vests which were once popular have been out of vogue for several years. 0 I hope that someday he will learn how to be polite. 0 Werner von Braun Willy Ley and Edward Teller noted authorities in the field of rocket development have done much to guide the missile program of the United States.

37 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: For Friday, finish your story. 0 Monday: Story Generators 0 Tuesday: Dialogue and Stories 0 Wednesday: Commas and Rewriting 0 Thursday: Proofreading and Rewriting 0 Friday: Poems

38 What’s up today? 0 Revise and rewrite your story to be a polished final draft 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Writing and Writing Conferences 0 Ticket to Leave

39 Free Write 0 You use the internet on an everyday basis. While the internet has a huge list of benefits, it has some downsides too. Write about the disadvantages of using the internet, specifically referring to internet addiction, and information overload.

40 Today’s Vocabulary: comprehensive 0 including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something

41 Writing and Rewriting 0 Read re-write instructions 0 Begin your re-write, keeping in mind dialogue, commas, and descriptions 0 Sign up for a conference with Ms. Moran!

42 Ticket to Leave 0 What do you have to finish tonight?

43 Please move the desks back to rows

44 Friday, September 25, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

45 Do Now 0 Vocabulary Quiz: Use each word in a sentence 0 Beneficial 0 Attribute 0 Arbitrary 0 Comprehensive

46 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: Enjoy your weekend! 0 Monday: Story Generators 0 Tuesday: Dialogue and Stories 0 Wednesday: Commas and Rewriting 0 Thursday: Proofreading and Rewriting 0 Friday: Poems

47 What’s up today? 0 Write a poem based on a famous first line 0 Poem writing 0 Poem Reading 0 Ticket to Leave

48 Poem Writing 0 With a partner, you are going to write a poem based on the first line of a famous poem: “Some say the world will end in fire”

49 Reading 0 Fire and Ice by Robert Frost

50 Ticket to Leave

51 Please move the desks back to rows

52 Week 3: Creative Writing Ms. Moran

53 Monday, September 21, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

54 Do Now 0 We have now had 9 days of class. What is one thing you have learned in those 9 days that has stuck with you? 0 Walk and talk…

55 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: By Wednesday finish the rough draft of your story. // For Friday, finish your story. 0 Monday: Story Generators 0 Tuesday: Dialogue and Stories 0 Wednesday: Commas and Rewriting 0 Thursday: Proofreading and Rewriting 0 Friday: Poems

56 What’s up today? 0 Use a story generator to find a strong opening line for a story and then write the end of the story 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Story generator 0 Ticket to Leave

57 Free Write 0 “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” —Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina 0 Use this first line to write your own short story.

58 Today’s Vocabulary: Arbitrary 0 based on random choice, personal whims rather than reason or logic.

59 Story Generator 0 0 Go to the website. 0 Click generate a story 0 Spend 10 minutes drawing a picture or writing a word map or making an outline 0 See Ms. Moran’s options on the board. 0 Let’s do one together first

60 Writing 0 20 minutes to write 0 Then, switch with a partner. 0 Let’s look at our “Giving Feedback on Writing” sheet

61 Ticket to Leave 0 What do you have to finish tonight on your story?

62 Please move the desks back to rows

63 Tuesday, September 22, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

64 Do Now 0 What’s your favorite book or movie and why? 0 We are all going to share!

65 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: By tomorrow, finish the rough draft of your story // For Friday, finish your story. 0 Monday: Story Generators 0 Tuesday: Dialogue and Stories 0 Wednesday: Commas and Rewriting 0 Thursday: Proofreading and Rewriting 0 Friday: Poems

66 What’s up today? 0 Write and revise dialogue in your story 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Dialogue Reading and Model 0 Ticket to Leave

67 Free Write 0 Your character kidnaps a baby. (Why?) Your character's husband/wife, discovers your character changing diapers in the living room, and wants to know what's going on. Write the conversation. What happens next?

68 Today’s Vocabulary attribute 0 a quality or characteristic of someone or something

69 Reading 0 Read and annotate “Punctuating Dialogue” 0 Remember, annotation is when you write on a text (follow the directions on the page) 0 Conversation Model from free writes 0 Actors?

70 Writing Dialogue 0 Using the script, work with your table to write an accurate dialogue. 0 Follow the rules for dialogue and ask Ms. Moran if you get confused! 0 When you’re finished, show Ms. Moran. 0 TWO SHOUT OUTS each for the table that gets it right the first time!

71 Ticket to Leave 0 Act out the dialogue in Spongebob.

72 Please move the desks back to rows

73 Wednesday, September 23, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

74 Do Now 0 Read the rough draft of your story silently to yourself. 0 Complete the self-evaluation.

75 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: For Friday, finish your story. 0 Monday: Story Generators 0 Tuesday: Dialogue and Stories 0 Wednesday: Commas and Rewriting 0 Thursday: Proofreading and Rewriting 0 Friday: Poems

76 What’s up today? 0 Revise writing to use commas correctly 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Commas and rewriting 0 Ticket to Leave

77 Free Write 0. If you could change any one thing in the world, what would it be and why?

78 Today’s Vocabulary: beneficial 0 having positive or helpful effects and results

79 Reading 0 Read and annotate “In Praise of the Humble Comma” 0 Write at least 4 comments. 0 What do you agree with? 0 What do you disagree with? 0 What questions do you have?

80 Comma Rules Notes 0 To separate independent clauses joined by any of these seven conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet. 0 After introductory a) clauses, b) phrases, or c) words that come before the main clause: Suddenly, he turned. // Afterward, he was sad. 0 Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off clauses, phrases, and words that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence: He walked, slowly, down the street. 0 Use commas to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses written in a series: I bought milk, sugar, and bread. 0 To separate two or more adjectives that describe the same noun: The dog was a wet, smelly mess. 0 To shift between the main discourse and a quotation: He said, “I love writing!”

81 Comma Posters 0 Each group will make 2 posters for 2 rules. 0 Each poster needs: 0 Rule 0 3 examples 0 1 non-example- an example where it is done wrong

82 If time… 0 Re-read your paper 0 Focus on one comma rule at a time (we will do this more tomorrow) 0 Are there errors in your paper? If so, correct them. 0 Are there maybe errors in your paper? If so, underline / highlight them and check with a partner or Ms. Moran

83 Ticket to Leave 0 Correct the following sentences by adding commas: 0 Oil which is lighter than water rises to the surface. 0 Nice is a word with many meanings and some of them are contradictory. 0 He replied "I have no idea what you mean."

84 Please move the desks back to rows

85 Thursday, September 24, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

86 Do Now 0 Correct the following sentences by adding commas. 0 Vests which were once popular have been out of vogue for several years. 0 I hope that someday he will learn how to be polite. 0 Werner von Braun Willy Ley and Edward Teller noted authorities in the field of rocket development have done much to guide the missile program of the United States.

87 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: For Friday, finish your story. 0 Monday: Story Generators 0 Tuesday: Dialogue and Stories 0 Wednesday: Commas and Rewriting 0 Thursday: Proofreading and Rewriting 0 Friday: Poems

88 What’s up today? 0 Revise and rewrite your story to be a polished final draft 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Writing and Writing Conferences 0 Ticket to Leave

89 Free Write 0 You use the internet on an everyday basis. While the internet has a huge list of benefits, it has some downsides too. Write about the disadvantages of using the internet, specifically referring to internet addiction, and information overload.

90 Today’s Vocabulary: comprehensive 0 including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something

91 Writing and Rewriting 0 Read re-write instructions 0 Begin your re-write, keeping in mind dialogue, commas, and descriptions 0 Sign up for a conference with Ms. Moran!

92 Ticket to Leave 0 What do you have to finish tonight?

93 Please move the desks back to rows

94 Friday, September 25, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

95 Do Now 0 Vocabulary Quiz: Use each word in a sentence 0 Beneficial 0 Attribute 0 Arbitrary 0 Comprehensive

96 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: Enjoy your weekend! 0 Monday: Story Generators 0 Tuesday: Dialogue and Stories 0 Wednesday: Commas and Rewriting 0 Thursday: Proofreading and Rewriting 0 Friday: Poems

97 What’s up today? 0 Write a poem based on a famous first line 0 Poem writing 0 Poem Reading 0 Ticket to Leave

98 Free Write 0 Choose one old free write to re-write. You may decide to save some parts or you may decide to completely change topics. 0 WE WILL SHARE THESE!

99 Poem Writing 0 With a partner, you are going to write a poem based on the first line of a famous poem: “Some say the world will end in fire”

100 Reading 0 Fire and Ice by Robert Frost

101 Ticket to Leave

102 Please move the desks back to rows

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