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Lecture GEOG 270 Fall 2007 October 22, 2007 Joe Hannah, PhD Department of Geography University of Washington.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture GEOG 270 Fall 2007 October 22, 2007 Joe Hannah, PhD Department of Geography University of Washington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture GEOG 270 Fall 2007 October 22, 2007 Joe Hannah, PhD Department of Geography University of Washington

2 Seattle PI, Sept 7, 2007

3 Intro to Global Warming and the Third World

4 Today’s Talk ► Why study Global Warming and the Third World? ► Basic Science of Global Warming ► The “Controversy” and the IPCC

5 Why Study Global Warming and the Third World? ► Besides the Debt Crisis (which we won’t study this quarter), GW may become the most crucial development problem facing Third World countries ► Those most affected – those in poor countries – are the least able to mitigate the problems ► Poor countries are the smallest contributors to greenhouse gasses

6 Not an Equitable Problem February 5, 2007 “The original idea was that we were all in this together… But the research is not supporting that. We’re not in it together.” Robert O. Mendelsohn Economist, Yale

7 Basic Science of Global Warming

8 “Goldilocks Effect” “Just right…” Too Hot!!Too Cold!!

9 Clip from “An Inconvenient Truth” “Basic Science” and Simpsons cartoon

10 “Hockey Stick Graph”

11 Greenhouse Effect http ://

12 Greenhouse gasses ► But in 20 th century, there has been a marked and measure increase in the greenhouse effect due to the increase in “greenhouse gasses” – mostly from human activity

13 Another clip from “An Inconvenient Truth” Ice Cores and 650,00 years of CO2

14 The “Controversy” and the IPCC

15 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ► Established in 1988 under the UNEP and the World Meteorology Organization ► “Largest peer review and scientific cooperation project in history.” ► Over 2000 climate scientists from over 100 countries ► Four major reports since 1990, latest early this year

16 Fourth IPCC Report: “Global Warming is Unequivocal” ► Scientific evidence is in 100% agreement that the earth is warming  This is no longer the focus of any meaningful controversy (outside of a few fringe blogs on both the right and the left)

17 Anthropogenic Warming ► There is “less that 5% chance that this warming is caused solely by natural processes.”  There is still a bit of holdout on this issue, but relegated more and more to “extremist deniers” Many factors influence the weather, … human activities have become a dominant factor.

18 Popular Recognition Gore and IPCC share the 2007 Nobel Prize for Peace “An Inconvenient Truth wins the Oscar for Best Documentary

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