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Renewable Energy Advantages and Disadvantages. Alligators in Idaho.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewable Energy Advantages and Disadvantages. Alligators in Idaho."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewable Energy Advantages and Disadvantages

2 Alligators in Idaho

3 Tectonic Plates

4 Geothermal Energy

5 Tectonic Plates

6 Reykjavik, Iceland

7 Geothermal Energy Disadvantages: Only possible in “hot spots”

8 Geothermal Energy Advantages: Little release of carbon dioxide No release of nitrogen or sulfur oxides No smog renewable

9 Hydropower Advantages: No release of carbon dioxide No release of nitrogen or sulfur oxides Renewable


11 Hydropower Disadvantages: Disrupts ecosystem Young fish swimming downstream get chopped up in turbine Spawning fish blocked from spawning ground upstream

12 Wind power Advantages: No nitrogen oxides or sulfur oxides No carbon dioxide released No smog renewable

13 Wind power Disadvantages: Danger to migratory birds Ruins “view shed” Noisy May hurt property values

14 Biomass Advantages: Both a source and “sink” of carbon dioxide Renewable energy

15 Biomass Disadvantages: Time and land required to grow crops- $ Not as much thermal energy released per unit mass as fossil fuels

16 Solar Power Advantages: Renewable No release of carbon dioxide No release of sulfur or nitrogen oxides No smog

17 Solar Power Disadvantages: PV cells are expensive PV cells are inefficient in generating electricity



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