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Blood Disorders and Diseases -Diagnosed by a Blood Count Test - Caused by inheritance, environmental factors, poor diet, old age.

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1 Blood Disorders and Diseases -Diagnosed by a Blood Count Test - Caused by inheritance, environmental factors, poor diet, old age

2 Anemia Anemia is a condition characterized by a decrease in the number of RBCs or an insufficient amount of hemoglobin in the RBCs. Anemia can be acquired or inherited. Causes: excessive blood loss, decreased RBC production, high rate of RBC destruction Symptoms: headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath Several types of anemia Iron, folic acid, and vitamin B are important building blocks for RBC production

3 Acquired Anemias (from dietary deficiency, exposure to parasitic worms, or symptom of another disease) 1. Iron-Deficiency Anemia – Most common, ~50%, from not enough intake of iron (poor diet) or iron loss from intestinal bleeding, main cause worldwide is parasitic worms, pregnancy because their bodies supply the fetus w/hemoglobin depleting the mom’s iron levels; iron supplement can be used 2. Aplastic Anemia – Rare, caused by damage to the stem bone marrow cells because of toxins, radiation therapy or chemotherapy, infectious disease or heredity; treatments are toxin removal, stopping radiation and blood transfusion or stem-cell transplant 3. Pernicious Anemia – The stomach stops producing intrinsic factor which is a key protein in vitamin B12 absorption and the intestines are no longer able to absorb B12; usually develops in older patients ; symptoms include red, swollen tongue, pale skin, fatigue, shortness of breath, or diarrhea; treatment-take B12 supplements 4. Anemia caused by chronic disease – Kidney disease lowers production of erythropoietin; rheumatoid arthritis can affect the bone marrow’s response to erythropoietin; diseases characterized by chronic infections can also cause it, like HIV, tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis, and some cancers

4 Inherited Anemias (A recessive trait and must be received from both parents) 1. Sickle cell anemia – RBCs are shaped like a crescent because the hemoglobin molecules are misshapen; wrong shaped hemoglobin carry less oxygen; RBC get caught n blood vessels because of sticky texture and shape; symptoms are crises (very painful episodes that last from a few hours to several days), the pain usually in the back of the long bones where tissues can be damaged from oxygen deprivation; other symptoms are bacterial infection, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, jaundice; strokes can occur if the RBCs become lodged in the vessels of the brain; treatments are antibiotics, folic acid supplements, blood transfusions, pain medication, fluids; most common in African Americans and individuals of Mediterranean descent 2. Cooley’s Anemia (thalassemia major) – Affects hemoglobin proteins and limits the body's ability to produce fully developed hemoglobin and the proper number of RBCs; treatment- frequent blood transfusion to increase RBC count but also increase iron levels to toxic, chelation therapy to remove excess metals from the blood

5 Jaundice Disorder of the blood characterized by yellow- colored skin and whites of eyes Caused by excess of bilirubin in the blood stream Common in newborn babies with an immature liver A newborn is more likely to be jaundiced when his Rh factor is different than the mother’s. Treated by exposed to UV light

6 Hemophilia The blood does not clot properly because one of the clotting factors (Vii or IX) is missing Usually inherited Rarely can be acquired when body forms antibodies to one of the clotting factors

7 Polycythemia The bone marrow makes too many RBCs Causes blood to thicken and increases the likely hood of blood clot formation Treatment includes phlebotomy (bloodletting) and aspirin to thin the blood and lower hematocrit levels

8 Leukemia (Acute worsens quickly; Chronic progresses slowly) A cancer of the blood caused by making to many WBC in the bone marrow The immature WBC grow larger and faster and live longer than normal WBCs but lack the infection fighting ability Cancerous WBC can spread to lymph nodes and other organs and tissues causing pain and swelling. ALL (Acute lymphocytic leukemia)- most common in adults over 70, overproduction of lymphocytes) AML (Acute myeloid leukemia)- most common form in adults, results when bone marrow produces too many myoblasts that later turn into RBCs, platelets, and some WBCs. CLL (Chronic lymphocytic leukemia) high levels of lymphocytes which lowers RBC levels, rare in children, most often affects adults CML (Chronic myeloid leukemia)- bone marrow makes too many granulocytes Symptoms of both are weakness, fever, bone and joint pain and stomach swelling and pain from enlarged spleen or liver, as well as frequent infections People with chronic leukemia may not experience any symptoms for years Treatment- chemotherapy, radiation therapy, stem cell transplants

9 Multiple Myeloma Cancer of the plasma cells in the bone marrow The plasma cells divide too many times creating more cancerous plasma cells called myelomas. The myelomas deposit in the bone marrow forming tumors that can damage the bone so people are prone to bone fractures and bone pain, particularly of the back and ribs Other symptoms- excess blood calcium levels, kidney damage, and frequent infections Treatable with steroid drugs, chemotherapy, and stem cell transplants but incurable

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