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Gwen Vekved Network Coordinator Jen Duperron-Trydal 780-357-7508

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Presentation on theme: "Gwen Vekved Network Coordinator Jen Duperron-Trydal 780-357-7508"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gwen Vekved Network Coordinator Jen Duperron-Trydal 780-357-7508 Finding Four Leaf Clovers In the Field of FASD

2 Like a Four Leaf Clover Every Child is Unique and Special

3 Finding Four Leaf Clovers in the Field of FASD What contributes to women drinking during pregnancy? FASD defined Realities for the students experiencing FASD Classroom strategies and resources Exploring creative approaches and solutions Cultivating your four leaf clovers in order to keep the seeds healthy and creating deep roots that bind.

4 Who Drinks During Pregnancy? The statistics are startling 80% of all people drink alcohol. Among Alberta women 18 to 44 years of age, 80% reported drinking within the past 12 months. 50-70% of pregnancies are unplanned – many women do not know they are pregnant while they are drinking FASD covers all Socio-Economic Statuses (and cultures) ( Malbin, 2014) (Government of Alberta, 2014) Research estimates that 9 in every 1,000 babies are born with FASD. In Alberta, more than 46,000 Albertans with FASD. Estimated 500 babies are born with the disorder every year. 4

5 There is no safe time or safe amount of alcohol to drink when pregnant or when planning to become pregnant. Yet 9% of Alberta women reported drinking during their last pregnancy.

6 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder It’s a spectrum: FASD does not affect any two people the same way; the effects can range from mild to severe. It’s not curable: alcohol use during pregnancy can cause the baby to be born with permanent brain damage; the effects are life-long. Effects can include: Life-long physical, mental, and behavioural difficulties

7 Videos on FASD FASD Finding Hope Videos - Contain specific short videos entitled “Resources for Educators”

8 Video :The Brain Explained Professionals without Parachutes: Supporting Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders* developed by Dr. Jacqueline Pei and her colleagues, Stephanie Hayes and Alethea Heudes An explanation of FASD, its impact on the brain as well as explores behavioral patterns in students with FASD. Strategies for designing classroom instruction and routines to support students with FASD are also highlighted.

9 Possible Difficulties For Persons With FASD Physical Have problems with balance and motor coordination (may seem “clumsy”). Sensory May be overly sensitive to bright lights, certain clothing, tastes and textures in food, loud sounds, etc.

10 Possible Difficulties For Persons with FASD Difficulties with organizing, keeping track of belongings, and paying attention decreased problem-solving skills learning difficulties, including memory concerns and ability to understand concepts

11 Possible Difficulties For Persons With FASD Vulnerable (e.g., may walk off with a stranger) Struggle with abstract concepts (e.g., time, space, money, etc.) Socialization skills - difficulty building and maintaining friendships and relating to groups

12 Possible Difficulties For Persons With FASD Information Processing Have trouble following multiple directions Say they understand when they do not Have verbal expressive skills that often exceed their verbal receptive abilities

13 Possible Difficulties For Persons With FASD Behavioural problems may include Hyperactivity Attention Social Withdrawal Impulsiveness Anxiety

14 Executive Functioning A person with FASD may have poor executive functioning skills that result in Limited ability to think beyond the present Difficulty delaying gratification or controlling impulses The inability to generalize (grasp pieces rather than concepts), affects school and employment

15 Question and Activity Time

16 Accommodations That May Assist Student Learning Reading Support Allow extra time Shared reading with trained peers or volunteers Assignment Completion Cover parts of worksheet and increase white space

17 Accommodations That May Assist Student Learning Instructional Presentation Adapt pace of lessons or break into smaller steps Highlight key points or color code printed material Provide examples completed by other students

18 Accommodations That May Assist Student Learning Seating at the front or back of class or maybe near teacher Allow student to stand or kneel rather than sit Provide alternate workspace

19 Accommodations That May Assist Student Learning Behaviour Provide buddy to model appropriate behaviour Provide positive reinforcement (i.e ‘thumbs up’, praise) Create plenty of opportunities for breaks Incorporate physical activity &/or art as much as possible 19

20 Accommodations That May Assist Student Learning Attention Support Provide checklist for organizational tasks (pictures/photos are helpful) Reduce material on desk Assessment and Evaluation Procedures Use individual criteria to evaluate tasks Allow the use of notes or textbooks during tests

21 Accommodations That May Assist Student Learning Other Tips Monitor student understanding of content (repeat back in their own words) Utilize assistive technology (text to speech, speech to text, calculators, computers, etc.) Support small group work

22 Accommodations That May Assist Student Learning Other Tips Monitor and organize binders/materials Prepare students in advance for changes in routine Introduce a dose of humour to avoid power struggles Be Creative! Find different ways to re-teach concepts

23 Calming Techniques Have a comfort corner where they can self-regulate and become happy again. Allow them to have a fidget toy close by or attached to themselves or there possessions. Allow a teenager to use there hoody, put on dark sunglasses, or head phones with serenity tapes.

24 Four Leaf Clovers Group Discussion Cultivate Keep the Seeds Healthy Create Deep Roots that Bind

25 Assessment & Diagnosis The diagnosis of FASD is complex Multi-disciplinary Approach New Canadian guidelines for diagnosis (2015)

26 Why Assess for FASD Validates the concerns of the individual, family, educator, etc. and builds an understanding that behavior often results from the disability and is not willful. Helps to access programs for support and intervention. Helps people with FASD succeed by focusing on their strengths and what will help them

27 Referrals for Diagnosis Speak to your Administrator if you wish to make a referral Criteria for referrals: 1.Confirmed or strong suspicions of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure 2.Behavioral and/or mental health concerns suggestive of FASD 3.Parental/guardian consent Referral forms can be accessed by contacting our FASD Diagnostic Coordinator - Vanessa Norris 780-357-4996

28 Support Group FASD Caregiver Support Group Presents: Compass for the Caregiver Starting April 8 weekly sessions Time 1pm-2:30pm Refreshments provided (Date and location to be announced at a later date) Offered in partnership by GP Family Education Society & the Northwest FASD Network Contact Jen Duperron-Trydal 780-357-7504

29 Summary… Friendly and cheerful Hard Working Desire to be liked Helpful Have points of insight Discover Strengths…

30 Remember… - FASD is an invisible disability “Respond… Supportively and not punitively …be flexible, adaptive and versatile…” ( Professionals Without Parachutes )

31 Questions? Cultivate your Four Leaf Clovers… and just watch them grow!

32 Please check our website for great info on FASD and upcoming trainings. Please check our website for great info on FASD and upcoming trainings. Gwen Vekved - Network Coordinator 780-357-7508 Jen Duperron-Trydal - Community Resource Advocate 780-357-7504

33 Session Evaluations Teacher Participants Please go to

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