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9 TH GRADE HEALTH Class Overview. PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING This semester I will be more_______, by _________. In the past I have __________, which.

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Presentation on theme: "9 TH GRADE HEALTH Class Overview. PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING This semester I will be more_______, by _________. In the past I have __________, which."— Presentation transcript:

1 9 TH GRADE HEALTH Class Overview

2 PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING This semester I will be more_______, by _________. In the past I have __________, which has _________ me from __________. I want to become a _________ student who is ____________ and _____________. The way I plan to do this is to change my _________________ and begin__________. I realize this is my ___________ to become the ___________________ I have always ___________.


4 MENTAL & EMOTIONAL HEALTH  Depression  Mental Disorders: Anxiety, Social Phobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar/Manic Depression  Help seeking strategies, self care, professional and therapeutic options  h?v=rbJ3J1uJCbg h?v=rbJ3J1uJCbg

5 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION & RELATIONSHIPS  Empathy  Problem solving & conflict resolution skills  Personal values  Healthy dating relationships  Consequences of early & unprotected sexual behaviors  Laws of sexual abuse & strategies to avoid being involved including refusal skills  STDs & contraception  h?v=jjTYoF2powk h?v=jjTYoF2powk

6 NUTRITION & PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Nutritional and exercise strategies to prevent chronic diseases Dietary plans for athletes, pregnant women, vegetarians, diabetics and people with food allergies Benefits of vitamins & minerals and the number of servings needed of all food groups and water Healthy weight, nutrition, and exercise plans Eating disorders h?v=82kYQ7j7X2s&feature=r elated h?v=82kYQ7j7X2s&feature=r elated

7 PERSONAL & CONSUMER HEALTH  Recognize personal control over health  Organ donation  Health screenings, checkups (including self examination)  Reducing the risk of chronic diseases  Differentiate between behaviors that affect your life both negatively & positively  Body art & tattoos  Media’s influence on popular culture  The risks of ATVs & motorcycles  Other common risks among youth  h?v=hFCdohifkRU h?v=hFCdohifkRU

8 ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, & OTHER DRUGS  Short term and long term effects of performance enhancing drugs  What role do families and communities play  Effects of IV drug use including HIV/AIDS  Effects of alcohol on an unborn child  Risky teen behaviors and refusal skills  Alternatives to avoid binge drinking  h?v=oDYJBY700G8 h?v=oDYJBY700G8

9 CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS  Be on time and in your seat when the tardy bell rings  Be polite and considerate of everyone in the class  Remain in your seat at all times unless told otherwise  Be mindful of the person that has the floor to speak making sure you are not talking in their place  atch/12945855/superzeroz- movie-health-class-expectations atch/12945855/superzeroz- movie-health-class-expectations


11 IN CONCLUSION  Take some time to finish answering your class handout.  Think about what you want to accomplish in health class this semester.  Write your response to question #14 on the handout, write 3 goals and 3 expectations you have for Health class.  When you have completed your handout raise your hand.  This will be a test to see if you can follow class directions.

12 PLEASE FILL OUT YOUR INDEX CARD AS BELOW Last Name, First Name Parent/Guardian Name- Parent/Guardian Contact #- Parent/Guardian Email Address-

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