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Year 1 Information Meeting Miss Addie. Friday 26 th February.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 1 Information Meeting Miss Addie. Friday 26 th February."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 1 Information Meeting Miss Addie. Friday 26 th February

2 Information Meeting Things we will cover in this meeting: Phonics Testing. Spelling tests. Reading at home. Homework. PE kits. School website and Blogs.

3 Phonics Testing – Year 1 What is the Phonics Testing in Year 1? The phonics screening check is designed to confirm whether pupils have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard. It will identify pupils who need extra help to improve their decoding skills. The check consists of 20 real words and 20 pseudo-words that a pupil reads aloud to the teacher.

4 Phonics Testing – Year 1 When will this happen? The Phonics Test will take place the week commencing 13 June at school. What will happen? The children will work with their teacher on a 1:1 basis to say the sounds and read through the words in the Phonics check booklet. The children will have previously been taught all graphemes in the test during phonics sessions at school.

5 Phonics Testing – Year 1 What does the test look like?

6 Phonics Testing – Year 1 Resources available… There are various websites to help support phonics at home. Broad Heath TV - Literacy

7 Phonics Testing – Year 1 Any questions about the Phonics Testing?

8 Spelling Tests Spelling tests are given every Friday (Week 1-6) Spellings can be found in the children’s homework folders – remember take these out when you hand the folder in OR perhaps take a photo/copy them out for reference at home Children MUST practise at home. We strive for 10/10 each week and the children will be rewarded. Learning spellings will allow the children to make good progress in their writing.

9 How can the children practise?


11 Home Reading Your child will read to their class teacher/learning support assistant at least once a week. Other members of staff e.g. DRA’s and parent helpers will also listen to your children read. Your child should read at home as often as possible for no longer than 10 minutes. If challenges are set the should be completed to help develop understanding and reading skills.

12 Reading diary There is a list of questions that you can ask your child when they have finished reading. When you have heard your child read please record this in the reading diary. It would be great if your made a note of the pages read and how they did.

13 P.E kit EVERY MONDAY What should a P.E kit include? Trainers or pumps – they CANNOT wear their school shoes. A t-shirt – they CANNOT wear their school t-shirt. This is unhygienic. Jogging bottoms OR shorts depending on preference/the weather.

14 Blog and I Am Learning Your children’s username and passwords are in the front of their reading diaries. These are powerful tools that the children like to use. You should be encouraging your child to respond to blog posts daily. Sit down yourself with them once in a while because it will help you to understand what they have been learning.

15 NOT JUST FOR HOMEWORK Your children’s username and passwords are in the front of their reading diaries. Just because your child has done their homework it doesn’t mean they have nothing to do!!! There are hundreds of activities listed in year groups and subjects. This is a new area of the website where teacher will add links to teaching and learning web links that have been used in school. Keep checking for updates.

16 Skoolbo Skoolbo is a fantastic tool to rehearse and practise basic skills that we teachers rely on them knowing and applying. It will help children with Maths and Reading. Skoolbo learns the child’s abilities and tailors the games to their needs. KIDS LOVE IT… They feel like they are playing a game but they are learning!

17 Skoolbo Your children’s username and passwords are in the front of their reading diaries. Search for Skoolbo on the website Scroll down to find the post with information about how to install on your tablet or computer. It will also have login details.

18 Questions…. Thank you all for attending. If you need anything please do not hesitate to come and see me. Does anyone have any questions?

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