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Embedding literacy and numeracy skills. Lesson objectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Embedding literacy and numeracy skills. Lesson objectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedding literacy and numeracy skills

2 Lesson objectives

3 The Moser Report 1999 The Problem 1 in 5 adults can’t use Yellow pages 1 in 16 can’t read simple posters 1 in 3 adults can’t use a calculator (for simple sums) 1 in 4 adults can’t calculate change from a £2 coin

4 The causes Poor schooling and home circumstances Not enough provision or poor provision (no standardisation), or lack of publicity Low motivation –Attribution theory Ability Effort Task Luck

5 Targets By 2010 lift 3.5 million adults out of functional illiteracy By 2010 95% of 19yr olds have adequate levels of literacy

6 Meeting the targets 6/6/2008 report Skills for life: Progress in improving Adult literacy and numeracy £167m - £995m spent (0607) On course to meet the target Less progress with numeracy

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