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The Statistical System of Sudan Sudan is a Federal Stats with two political System, Namely Northern Sudan and Southern Sudan Each political System has.

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Presentation on theme: "The Statistical System of Sudan Sudan is a Federal Stats with two political System, Namely Northern Sudan and Southern Sudan Each political System has."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Statistical System of Sudan Sudan is a Federal Stats with two political System, Namely Northern Sudan and Southern Sudan Each political System has its own Statistical System Sometimes Coordination of Statistical works occurs between The Two Systems. Coordination Occurs when both Systems feel a need for it

2 The Statistical System in Action The Statistical System in Northern Sudan is composed of the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Federal Ministries and institutions The Central Bureau of Statistics is assigned by law to Coordinate the Statistical System in the Country The Federal Ministries and institutions Produce their own Specialized Statistics The System in the South is no different from the north in most cases.

3 Difficulties of the Statistical System in Sudan There being tow Systems in one Country is a big Difficulty The Central Bureau of Statistics has no Power to initiate statistical projects such as large scale sample surveys or censuses to collect data. The system depends completely on the initiatives of ministries prompted by donors who can finance such projects. The Central Bureau of Statistics has no authority over the ministries as to the methodology used in their data collection specially the data collected on an administrative basis.

4 The number of ministries and institutions that produce and publish official statistics is small compared to the number of government agencies. Financing statistical projects is a big difficulty

5 Challenges Capacity Building. There is a dire need for capacity building initiatives in all the members of the statistical system. There is a dire need to enlarge the statistical system by bringing new government institutions into the system, i.e compel them to produce and publish official statistics. The Central Bureau of Statistics has to be empowered to look over the whole system as regards technicality.

6 Unification of the two statistical system in the Sudan is necessary. The Central Bureau of Statistics has to seek financing to its projects independently.

7 Benefits: The publication of the no.1 statistical document of the country,i.e the statistical yearbook is a product of the coordination in the statistical system. More than 16 government institution produce or publish official statistics. Exchange of knowledge between the Central Bureau of Statistics and the official statistics producing agencies occurs but casually. We say something is better than nothing. Coordination of the statistical system helps communicate and exchange information with donors and other international organizations.

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