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Where in the World? You are in the largest country on the continent. Not only is the country large, but so is the Sudd, a vast swamp that for thousands.

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Presentation on theme: "Where in the World? You are in the largest country on the continent. Not only is the country large, but so is the Sudd, a vast swamp that for thousands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where in the World? You are in the largest country on the continent. Not only is the country large, but so is the Sudd, a vast swamp that for thousands of years stood as a physical barrier between the north and the south. The remains of an ornately decorated swimming pool with a complex set of water channels bringing water into it from a nearby well just north of Khartoum and dating back to the fourth century B.C. can be found in this nation. Perhaps the royal family felt that swimming in the Nile – that runs the entire length of the country – was too common or unsafe.

2 Where on Earth are you? Can you find your place? Sudan

3 Welcome to Sudan

4 Sudan is a country whose landscape changes dramatically as one travels its length. The north is chiefly desert or semi-desert. In central Sudan, there are semiarid grasslands and low hills. The Sudd swamp lies in the south, with rainforests in the extreme south. Just as its topography is different in the north and south, so too are its people. Unfortunately, this has contributed to civil wars and strife. From its location on the continent, can you surmise some of the cultural and religious differences? In the north, the Arab culture dominates, with majority of people being Muslims. In the south, there is a diversity of black African tribes who wish to deep their cultures and religions intact.

5 After WWII, Sudan was jointly controlled by Britain and Egypt, but it formally became a republic in 1956. Decades of civil war have undermined the stability of the country, and although today the northern Islamic groups wield the most power, there are southern rebels who are fighting for independence. Human rights abuses are rampant, and millions of people have been driven from their homes.

6 One example: the Nuba people. Made up of 50 different tribes, the Nuba lived peacefully for centuries. Recently, the government began a campaign to force the Nuba to wear clothes and follow traditional Islamic rules. As a response to the government persecution, the Nuba declared support for the SPLA, the Southern People’s Liberation Army. In return, the government changed their policy of “civilizing” the Nuba to eradicating them. Carrying out a scorched earth policy, government troops pillaged the countryside, burning even crops and animals. Is it right to force religious rules on everyone? Does your government have a state religion?

7 Many people in Sudan practice the ancient tradition of scarring. Some scars are for beauty, and others mark the initiation rites of manhood. Does a government have the right to decide what is disfigurement rather than beautifying? Does a government have the right to punish parents who allow scarring of their children.

8 What palm flourishes across the Sudd and has been used for fuel, food, paper, boxes, shoes and even boats? Answer: the papyrus palm. A member of the sedge family, papyrus grows to about 10 feet (3m) in height. It has long, woody roots that spread under the surface of the water and help to anchor the plant. It was these roots that were used for fuel by ancient civilizations of Sudan and Egypt. They also made paper from the pith (the inside of the stem). When the pith is boiled, it can be eaten. Boiled pith is till used as a food source today.

9 FAST FACTS – Sudan National Name: Jamhuryat as-Sudan President: Lt. Gen. Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir (1989) Total area: 1,156,673 sq mi (1,861,484 sq km) Population (2014 est.): 35,482,233 (growth rate: 1.78%) life expectancy: 63.32 Capital city: Khartoum, 4.632 million Largest cities: Omdurman, 2,395,159; Port Sudan, 489,275 Monetary unit: Dinar

10 Where in the World? It’s your turn: Complete your “Where in the World?” page. 1 – fill in the country and continent. 2 – write a paragraph about Sudan with at least 5 interesting details (important details). 3 – colour in Sudan on the world map.

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