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Electronic Portfolios E-portfolios have two critical components: Evidence that documents teaching Reflections that support each piece of evidence.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Portfolios E-portfolios have two critical components: Evidence that documents teaching Reflections that support each piece of evidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Portfolios E-portfolios have two critical components: Evidence that documents teaching Reflections that support each piece of evidence

2 What is a Portfolio? The pre-service teacher’s portfolio is used for self evaluation or external review: 1. Portfolios have a specific purpose. The pre-service teacher’s portfolio shows or demonstrates knowledge, skill and abilities 2. Is developed for a specific audience 3.Contains word samples, called evidence

3 Pre-service Teacher’s Evidence Includes: Lesson Plans Projects Units of Study Other Professional Documents such as a Resume and Philosophy of Education

4 Portfolios Have Reflections For Pre-service teachers, reflections are written thoughts on the evidence contained in the portfolio

5 Reflections Answer the Following Questions Typically for a Lesson or Project… What have I done? What did I do well? What could I have done differently?

6 Your E-Portfolio Will Include: Table of Contents Your Philosophy of Education Your Resume All Lesson Plans on Technology Reflections on Our Technology Lesson Plans – the one you presented Article Critique Web Quest on Pythagoras and Reflection on Web Quest

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