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EuroCRIS Projects Task Group November 2005, Lisboa.

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1 euroCRIS Projects Task Group November 2005, Lisboa

2 Current Terms of Reference “The Project Task Group aims at joining euroCRIS content and technical expertise in the field of (inter)national current research information systems (CRIS) to provide a platform for discussion, to act proactively to opportunities in the European CRIS field, produce proposals and seek funding - including running euroCRIS as an organisation - to respond to tenders with a bid where appropriate and to contribute to the implementation, maintenance and optimisation of research portals and the future integrated European research information system, with due regard to technological and policy developments as well as user feedback”

3 Relevant part of euroCRIS mission g)“Provide a forum for exploring and exploiting new and emerging concepts and technologies (including data quality, standards, etc.)” h)“Establish a one-stop portal / gateway to international CRIS resources”

4 In other words… i.Identify opportunities –monitor EC Framework 6 (and 7) –review opportunities for collaboration between members and with other organisations ii.Discuss and act (draft bids, etc) –funded activity (EC calls for proposals) –collaboration between members and with other organisations

5 Current projects IST World –establishing a knowledge base for RTD competencies in IST in the new EU member states and accession countries –euroCRIS involvement: German Institute for Artificial Intelligence at Saarbrücken/Kaiserslautern, CCLRC CISTRANA –Coordination of IST Research And National Activities –euroCRIS involvement: CCLRC (UK), TEKES (Finland), KNAW (Netherlands)

6 In 2006 1.Making the Projects TG work better: Ideas? 2.Identifying and taking opportunities Monitor remaining FP6 and FP7 Other ideas?

7 Some thoughts… 1.Making the Projects TG work better: More info in database of members, to include: CRIS domain (subject area, national, etc) Technical / policy interests of CRIS team Develop euroCRIS roadmap – leading to interoperable / European CRIS portal 2.Identifying and taking opportunities CERIF and LATTE: Comparisons – can they learn from each other? Interoperation – can they exchange structured data? Collaboration – compare experiences in sustainability of CRIS Electronic theses EuroHORCs opportunity

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