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 Located in Jonesboro, AR  Grades 1-6  58 Staff Members (24 Core-Curriculum classroom teachers)  597 Students.

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2  Located in Jonesboro, AR  Grades 1-6  58 Staff Members (24 Core-Curriculum classroom teachers)  597 Students

3  District Level Employees  Building Level Employees  Students  Parents  Community

4 Through technology integration, students will become empowered with the knowledge needed to become an integral part the future workforce.

5  What hardware and software is available for teacher/student use?  What technologies are used the most and the least?  What previous trainings have teachers had on available technology resources?  What technology best practices have been established and are they being implemented?

6  Inventories of technology hardware and software available for checkout  Inventory of permanently established classroom technology  Surveys  Observations  Student portfolios containing technology based assignments

7  Stakeholders met to analyze data  Surveys were created using Survey Monkey about teacher trainings, program use, incorporation of technology into the curriculum. The data was analyzed by the program.  Inventories sheets were made taken and numbers were placed into a spreadsheet  Observation information was collected and placed into spreadsheets as well

8 Questions to ascertain needs in regards to training that supports and enhances the development of best practices and contributes to the learning community included:  How much training do teachers need  How many electronic projects do students need to complete  What level of technology proficiency is wanted from students?

9  Surveys were established  Teacher interviews conducted  Raise teacher confidence with all technologies available  Provide more training on an individual basis, as it was most efficient

10 50% of teachers not assigning electronic projects Teachers are not knowledgeable of technology scope and sequence Teachers need to assign as many projects as necessary to complete their respective grade level technology scope and sequence Greta Felts’ 3 rd Grade Class

11  technology assessment is at 50% proficient  Students do not have many electronic projects in their portfolio in grades 4, 5, and 6  Increase technology proficiency to 85% which has been established as the district goal.

12  Hire a building level technology coach so that assistance is given with little wait time and individual attention can be given if needed  Establish a “Looks Who’s Teaching” section on the school website to highlight teacher technology accomplishments

13  Use core curriculum to create projects that will fulfill student learning expectations and K-12 Technology Scope and Sequence  Provide more opportunities for electronic projects in other areas such as Bio-Lab and art.

14  Purchase of curriculum for the elementary grades to supplement during computer lab times

15  Current Hardware is acceptable  Future considerations: Extra Bandwidth and wireless access points

16  Current programs are not utilized. Teachers need to be instructed on how to use programs with students in the classroom or computer lab environment  Keep up with future software and make decisions on what is needed by the school

17  Hiring of a building technology coach to increase individual trainings and point in time remediation for teachers

18  No future facilities upgrades will be made because of recent addition of 10 classrooms and a new art room.

19  Teachers/school can write grants for school and classroom technology equipment  Teachers will be informed of grant opportunities by the building administrator

20  I am currently looking at a surveys, interviews, and focus groups to evaluate if the plan will stay on track.  To determine the overall success of the plan, a yearly survey will be completed and a focus group will meet to evaluate the end results and make adjustments for the next year.

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