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FIA Field Units, Brad Smith (WO), Anna Clark (PNW), Krystal Fleeger (PNW) F I A.

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Presentation on theme: "FIA Field Units, Brad Smith (WO), Anna Clark (PNW), Krystal Fleeger (PNW) F I A."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIA Field Units, Brad Smith (WO), Anna Clark (PNW), Krystal Fleeger (PNW) F I A

2  Implementation Status  Funding  Partner Support  Grants and Agreements  Expenses  Productivity  State Reports and Data  Goals for 2010  What would YOU like to see? F I A

3 Annualized FIA American Samoa Guam Palau Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Federated States of Micronesia Republic of the Marshall Islands Other Islands Periodic FIA* Not Implemented

4 Annualized FIA American Samoa Guam Palau Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Federated States of Micronesia Republic of the Marshall Islands Other Islands Periodic FIA* Not Implemented

5 F I A






11  Data collection expenditures increased 7%  Increased investment in Information Management (+24%) and Analysis (+4%)  NO fire transfer  Indirect costs DOWN $933,000! Station overhead continues to decrease, now 7-13% F I A

12  18% more forested plots measured than FY08 (43, 541total forested plots)  35% of workforce in non-federal  20% more publications than FY08 (206)  30% increase in consultation hours  11 User Group and Mgt Team meetings (~08)  Lowest number of work related injuries/illnesses reported* F I A

13 5-year State Reports published in 2009 F I A


15 IInitiate periodic inventory in Hawaii IImplement annual inventory in Nevada and initiate the annual inventory in Wyoming IImplement MIDAS everywhere! PPublish 10 more 5-year State Reports CContinued emphasis on safety and efficiency TTool development, TPO expansion, and more!! BBegin FIA Strategic Plan revision

16  Questions?  What do YOU want to see in a Business Summary?  More of…?  Less of…?  Something completely new…? F I A

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