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Welcome to Curriculum Night Grade 7 2015/2016 Class 704 - Ken Murray.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night Grade 7 2015/2016 Class 704 - Ken Murray."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night Grade 7 2015/2016 Class 704 - Ken Murray

2 Overview * Communication ✴ Curriculum ✴ Assessment & Evaluation Powerschool/Gradebook ✴ Collaboration Working together to ensure success ✴ Questions?

3 Communication ✴ E-mail (preferred) Mr. Pardy Mr. Murray * MSMS School Website * Class Websites Mr. Pardy Mr. Murray  Phone Mr. Pardy or Mr. Murray 832-2300 x119 A Communication Plan will be distributed to parents!

4 Grade 7 Curriculum Specific curriculum outcomes for each subject can be linked directly from our class/school web pages. Direct Link Tonight is meant to provide a brief, but concise, summary/outline of the Grade Seven curriculum in: ✴ English Language Arts (Murray) ✴ Math ✴ Science  Social Studies (Murray)

5 English 7 The 3 Strands: ✴ Reading and Viewing ✴ Speaking and Listening ✴ Writing and Representing 5-paragraph essay writing Novel Study Response Writing (3 R Method) Short story analysis Character Study Article Analysis Qualities of Writing (The Six Traits) The Writing Process Elements of Fiction (plot, theme, etc.) Graphic Representations Independent Reading Oral Speaking / Presentation Skills Spot /Quick Writes Flash Fiction (Story) Writing Please read with your child regularly - or have discussions about what he/she is reading. They’re not too old!

6 Social Studies 7 Changing Your World Investigating Empowerment ✴ Economic Empowerment Economics, poverty, standard of living, budgeting, income demographics, RSP/MTG calculators, sectors of economy,, diversified economies, First Nations vs Newcomers economies, Historical context - The Fur Trade ✴ Political Empowerment Map of Canada over time, B.N.A (British North America), Daily life of peoples of B.N.A, Reform, Push for Responsible Govn’t, Confederation, The BNA Act ✴ Cultural Empowerment Canada grows (Provinces, territories join, Manitoba (The Red River Settlement, Louis Riel, The Metis), MacDonald’s National Policy, Canadian Pacific Railway, Disempowerment of Aboriginals and new Immigrants Societal Empowerment Everyday life at the turn of the century, Impact of the Industrial Revolution, Empowerment of Women and Social reform early 20 th century National Empowerment Canada becomes independent, Canada’s participation in WWI, Impact of WWI on Canada and her people

7 Healthy Living 7  Healthy Self  Healthy Relationships  Healthy Community

8 4 (Really Got It!) In-depth knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Able to extend the application of related skills. 3 (Got it!) Competent knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Appropriate application of the related skills. 2 (Not yet! Nearly There!) Developing knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Developing in the application of the related skills. 1 (Not yet!) Limited knowledge and understanding of content and concepts. Limited application of related skills. MSMS 4 Point Assessment Rubric Grade 7

9 Achievement of Expected Learning Outcomes Grades 7-12 90 – 100% The student demonstrates excellent or outstanding performance in relation to the expected learning outcomes for this course. 80 – 89% The student demonstrates very good performance in relation to the expected learning outcomes for this course. 70 – 79% The student demonstrates good performance in relation to the expected learning outcomes for this course. 60 – 69% The student demonstrates satisfactory performance in relation to the expected learning outcomes for this course. 50 – 59 % The student demonstrates minimally acceptable performance in relation to the expected learning outcomes for this course. Below 50% The student has not met minimum requirements in relation to the expected learning outcomes for this course.

10 Powerschool / Gradebook It is your ‘portal’ into your child’s academic results. It requires a unique username and password. To obtain your username and password, please email me a request and I can have it forwarded to you. (We are not allowed to send it home with the student.)

11 How can you help ? - Monitor homework (“talk” with child about school and monitor class websites) - Monitor child’s progress… track effort and performance - Encourage routines (homework habits, organizational support) - Provide support with homework (if necessary) - Sign all tests/quizzes (there should be no surprises!) - Read notices, sign, and return ASAP (if necessary) - Communicate / Ask Questions (email) - Model, promote, and encourage reading !!!!!!!!!!! Working Together

12 Thanks for coming!

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