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INTRODUCTION TO THE SKILL MODULE. Al-Ma’arifa Science &Technology Colleges (MSTC) College of Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO THE SKILL MODULE. Al-Ma’arifa Science &Technology Colleges (MSTC) College of Medicine."— Presentation transcript:




4 Al-Ma’arifa Science &Technology Colleges (MSTC) College of Medicine

5 Professional Skills-I (SKIL 201) (Female Students) September 2012

6 Tutors ● Dr. Yousif Elhadi Elgizouli; MRCGP-(UK), JMHPE(Suez & Maastricht). ● e-mail : ● Mobile Phone: 0567 234 117

7 Students Identification Distribute Identification Form.

8 Identification Form NoNameIDe-mail 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9 Ground rules for the Sessions - What factors made this activity a success or more effective?  Brainstorming:- Starting and finishing on time Coming prepared Listening to others without interruptions Participating

10 Saying when you don’t understand When anyone is speaking, addressing the whole group and not just the teacher Switching off mobile phones Treating others’ contributions with respect Keeping personal issues out of the session Maintaining confidentiality within the group.

11 Student Attendance & Participation Form Distribute Attendance & Participation Form

12 Attendance & Participation Form Date: ----Wk.----Session: ------Tutor ------------ No.NameSig.ParticipationComment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

13 What we meant by a Skill? Brainstorming:- 1. Ability to do something well: the ability to do something well, usually gained through training or experience 2. Something requiring training to do well: something that requires training and experience to do well, e.g. an art or trade.

14 Course objectives Explain the basic principles of communication (verbal, non-verbal, active, passive); Recognize open and close ended questions; Recognize and respond to non-verbal communication; Recognize the different components of active listening; Show empathy. Demonstrate a willingness to be open about themselves, their skills, ideas and responses to people and situations;

15 Demonstrate essential communication skills in a simulated scenario; Demonstrate essential communication skills in special situation like with angry patients, children and breaking bad news; Demonstrate effective feedback skills; Identify essential presentation skills; Demonstrate their own presentation skills in front of their colleagues;

16 Course Contents:- Discuss course contents & specific objective for each topic.

17 Course Time-Table DayTimeTopics Wed. (W1)01.00-03.00 PM (G1) 03:00-05:00 PM (G2) 1. Introduction to the course “Professional Skills -1” : Wed. (W2)01.00-03.00 PM (G1) 03:00-05:00 PM (G2) 2. Introduction to ‘Communication Skills’ Wed. (W3)01.00-03.00 PM (G1) 03:00-05:00 PM (G2) 3. Verbal and Non-verbal communication; Active & Passive Listening Wed. (W4)01.00-03.00 PM (G1) 03:00-05:00 PM (G2) 4. Effective Feedback skills Wed. (W5)01.00-03.00 PM (G1) 03:00-05:00 PM (G2) 5. Consultation Skills-1 Wed. (W6)01.00-03.00 PM (G1) 03:00-05:00 PM (G2) 6. Consultation Skills-2

18 Course Time-Table DayTimeTopics Wed. (W7)01.00-03.00 PM (G1) 03:00-05:00 PM (G2) Breaking bad news Wed. (W8)01.00-03.00 PM (G1) 03:00-05:00 PM (G2) 8. Dealing with Angry Patient Wed. (W9)01.00-03.00 PM (G1) 03:00-05:00 PM (G2) Presentation Skills 1 Wed. (W10)01.00-03.00 PM (G1) 03:00-05:00 PM (G2) Students Presentation 2 Wed. (W11)01.00-03.00 PM (G1) 03:00-05:00 PM (G2) Students communication skills evaluation 1 Wed. (W12)01.00-03.00 PM (G1) 03:00-05:00 PM (G2) Students communication skills evaluation 2

19 Teaching methods  Different methods will be used including: Interactive lectures PPP & Video Small group discussion Role play Students presentation

20 Assessment Methods: Student’s skills evaluation (40%) Student’s Presentation (20%) Student’s Attendance (24%) Student’s Participation (16%)

21 Tutors Evaluation by Students Show & Explain The Form


23 Students expectations:-

24 Discussion:-



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