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 They encourage the development of technology skills.  They increase student learning and achievement.  Their portability and durability provide students.

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2  They encourage the development of technology skills.  They increase student learning and achievement.  Their portability and durability provide students with potential learning tools that traverse the classroom and home.  They allow for easy access of student and teacher made podcasts, audio books, and video clips.  The wireless connection allows students to research topics with ease and it encourages a deeper understanding of the material. Savilla, B.(2010). Integrating the iPOD touch in K-12 Education: Visions and Vices.Computers in the Schools,27, 121-131.

3  Research has shown that IPOD use in the classroom aids in keeping student interest at a high point and it allows for differentiated instruction.  IPOD use aids in student comprehension and allows for more student participation.  IPD use has been shown to improve literacy of ESL students, Special Education students, and struggling readers.

4 During the development phase of the IPOD there were a few problems that occurred.  The battery life only lasted for three hours.  The IPOD did not support playlists that were larger than 10 songs.  The IPOD did not have good sound quality. The intended audience:  Individuals interested in mobile audio and video players.  Educators that wanted a new, innovative way to incorporate technology in the classroom.

5  IPODs are produced by the Apple Company.  There are currently four versions of IPODs.  To aid in the diffusion of the product many new capabilities have been added.

6 j Knowledge: Apple hires Tony Fadell to develop a mp3 player with enhanced capabilities. 2001 Persuasion: Apple aligns with Portal Player to develop a fully functioning mp3 player. Decision: The 1 st Ipod is released. Apple releases Itunes. 2002 Implementation: IPODs can be synched with Windows PC Implementation: IPOD accounts for 16% of Apple company revenue. 2004 Confirmation: IPOD Nano released. 2007 Confirmation: IPOD Touch released.


8  Innovators: Apple Company  Early Adopters: Music lovers, techies, students, young people, educators, companies.  Laggards: Educators that feel that IPODS serve no purpose in the classroom.

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