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Presentation on theme: "ASSESSMENT OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS DR / Mervat salah."— Presentation transcript:



3 DIETARY ASSESSMENT Nutritional History This is generally collected during the medical history of the patients Nutritional History This is generally collected during the medical history of the patients 1-Have you gained or lost more than 10 kg over the last year? (Intentional or unintentional) 1-Have you gained or lost more than 10 kg over the last year? (Intentional or unintentional) 2- How many meals do you eat a day? How many snacks? 2- How many meals do you eat a day? How many snacks?

4 3-Have you in the past or are you currently following any special diet? If yes,which and why? 4- Are there any foods or groups of foods that you dislike, avoid or are allergic to? 5- Are you taking any vitamin or minerals supplements or dietary supplements (herbals / food replacement products)? If yes, which ones and why?

5 DIETARY ASSESSMENT Nutritional intake of humans is assessed by five different methods. These are: 24 hours dietary recall Food frequency questionnaire Dietary history since early life Food dairy technique Observed food consumption

6 24 Hours Dietary Recall A trained interviewer asks the subject to recall all food & drink taken in the previous 24 hours. It is quick, easy, & depends on short- term memory, but may not be truly representative of the person’s usual intake


8 The interviewer must be follows many steps to confirm the data : - Quick list using any recall strategy. - Forgotten foods (i.e. sweets, snacks, beverage, etc). - Time and occasion,the subject answers standardized questions about pertaining to each food and classifies food portion size according to household measures or geometric shapes. -The final review probe to try and get any additional food items consumed recorded as part of recall

9 A SSIGNMENT Student Name رنا فتحي ابراهيم محمد

10 Recommended text book Krauses Food &Nutrition Therapy

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