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CMA Coastline Matching Algorithm SSIP’99 - Project 10 Team H.

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2 CMA Coastline Matching Algorithm SSIP’99 - Project 10 Team H

3 Joonas Lehtinen Finland Marcell NagyHungary József GalajdaHungary Róbert VányiHungary

4 Introduction Problem definition Parts of the project –Preprocessing –Chain code generation –Detection –Documentation Results, future work

5 Problem definition Match of fragment of coastline to map Starting off with a segment of coastline (or a river with bridges) from a map, of different scale and noise properties extracted from a (much) larger segment, perform best fit to identify the section of coastline. One method that could be used would be correlation of a chain code representation. Creation of chain code or equivalent from map segment is part of the project. Imagine satellite images.

6 Parts of the project Preprocessing Chain code generation Detection Documentation

7 Preprocessing Start with scanned maps Creating yellow component from CMY Detection of the coastline –Box filtering –Robert’s gradient –Tresholding

8 Preprocessing Original image

9 Preprocessing Yellow component

10 Preprocessing Gradient with tresholding

11 Chain code generation Preprocessed images Cleaning images Thinning process Coordinate list generation Chain code calculation

12 Chain code generation Preprocessed image

13 Chain code generation Cleaned coastline

14 Chain code generation Thinned coastline

15 Chain code generation Coordinate list

16 Chain code generation Chain code

17 Detection Error function Searching algorithm

18 Error function

19 Searching algorithm

20 Documentation Web page Changes file Header file Presentation

21 Results, future work Map of Central America Several coastlines and segments Correct matches

22 Results, future work Faster searching algorithm Fully automatic preprocessing Graphical User Interface Less “coastline segmentation fault”


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