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Avoiding Death by PowerPoint FOLIOz Machiavel Course June 2010.

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2 Avoiding Death by PowerPoint FOLIOz Machiavel Course June 2010

3 No doubt you have all seen plenty of PowerPoint presentations over the years and can probably think of numerous occasions when it has been used badly. But how do we avoid those presenter cardinal sins that we have all witnessed as an audience?

4 Mistakes, Mishaps & Misfits The slides that follow will show you some of the main causes of death by PowerPoint. You will be shown the slide and then asked to identify what mistakes you think have been made. Please record your answers in your portfolio. We’ve included the answers in a separate attachment just so you can check you’re on the right lines.

5 And now for slide 1…

6 PowerPoint Easy to use. Effective. Freely available. Stylish. Professional. Very Good. Easy to use. Flexible. Valued. Very effective. Widely recognised. Easy to navigate. Successful.

7 What is the main problem with slide 1? [Record this in your portfolio]

8 And now for Slide 2…

9 PowerPoint If you use all the features available you will see how exciting PowerPoint can be! See, isn’t it exciting! Wow! Crazy! Oh what fun!

10 What is the main problem with slide 2? [Record your thoughts in your portfolio]

11 And now Slide 3…

12 Use of PowerPoint

13 What is the main problem with slide 3? [Record in your portfolio]

14 Let’s look at Slide 4

15 MY COMPANY We are the best! This presentation is all about how our company utilises PowerPoint to make the most of our excellent reputation.

16 What is the main problem with slide 4? [Record in your portfolio]

17 And now Slide 5…

18 Explaining PowerPoint The purpose of this presentation is to explain exactly how PowerPoint works and how you can use it to it’s full effect, gaining you respect and admiration from your audience. First, we will look at how to put together a PowerPoint presentation that will win friends and influence people, making you the talk of your organisation and the town.

19 What is the main problem with slide 5? [Record in your portfolio]

20 And finally Slide 6…

21 How to use PowerPoint Open a new presentation. Choose one of the existing templates or create your own design. The first slide should contain the title of your presentation and your name.

22 What is the main problem with slide 6? [Record in your portfolio]

23 Well done! Hopefully you were able to spot all the mistakes made over the last six slides. Now for some basic rules…

24 The Basic Rules Get comfortable with the technology (so you know how to set up and which buttons to press!) Know what you are talking about (so you don’t have to read from your notes). Use the “Notes” view instead of trying to cram your whole speech into bullet points. Be careful with “creative” graphics and animations, seeking professional help in design if necessary - “If you’re an effective speaker, a plain white background won’t hurt how you make your case.” [Wahl, A. (2003) Countering ‘death by PowerPoint’. Toronto Star, November 10 2003. Accesed online June 2010 at:]

25 Basic Rules continued Know what information works on a slide and what would work better presented in a different medium - i.e. distributing detailed handouts. The “B” key blacks out the screen during a PowerPoint presentation - “Don’t be afraid to use it so the slides won’t compete with what are ultimately your most effective communication tools: your voice, mannerisms and facial expressions.” [Wahl, A. (2003) Countering ‘death by PowerPoint’. Toronto Star, November 10 2003. Accesed online June 2010 at:]

26 The PowerPoint Pledge “Remember, PowerPoint doesn’t kill presentations: people kill presentations. Do yourself a favour. From this day forward, vow that you won’t make the mistake of subjecting your audiences to any more death by PowerPoint than they’ve already had to endure.” [Wahl, A. (2003) Countering ‘death by PowerPoint’. Toronto Star, November 10 2003. Accesed online June 2010 at:]

27 The End

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