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Physics of Astronomy Dr. E.J. Zita, The Evergreen State College, 9.Jan.2006 Lab II Rm 2272, 360-867-6853

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Presentation on theme: "Physics of Astronomy Dr. E.J. Zita, The Evergreen State College, 9.Jan.2006 Lab II Rm 2272, 360-867-6853"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics of Astronomy Dr. E.J. Zita, The Evergreen State College, 9.Jan.2006 Lab II Rm 2272,, 360-867-6853

2 Day one, winter quarter Introductions to the –Program, faculty = Zita –TAs = Jada & Joey –Students (get your photo taken today) –Room and tea –Program web pages Active learning philosophy Surveys Plan for week 1

3 Introduction to Physics of Astronomy Math-A Math-B Physics: What fundamental, quantitative principles and relationships explain the structure and evolution of the natural world? Astronomy: What do we see in the sky? How do things move and change? Astrophysics: How can Physics explain what Astronomy observes?

4 Four realms of physics

5 Four fundamental forces

6 Seminar, research, and time budgeting Seminar: Star Trek on Mondays, Journals on Thursdays Research: Planning in winter, execution & presentation in spring Plan to attend the American Physical Society meeting in May. Budgeting time: 12 credits science (MTR 1-5) 4 credits seminar (MR 5-7) 16 credits x 3 hrs/cr = 48 hours prep (reading, HW, team meetings, research…) Total ~ 48-60 hours/week, so be sure to schedule in R&R, to stay healthy

7 Covenant, Surveys, Clubs, TAs, Office hours Covenant: Please read the covenant online Online Surveys: InSurvey ~ 10 questions about your background and goals WebSurvey ~ 35 questions of guided web browsing Take these tomorrow if possible (no later than Friday) Clubs: APS Society for Physics Students: join to get Physics Today FREE TAs: Joey Fedrow and Jada Maxwell Office hours: after class or by appointment

8 Active learning and Peer instruction Educational research shows that students learn best when: Actively engaged Working in teams Taking ownership of knowledge Expressing understanding in own words Our first exercise in peer instruction will be the math pre-tests.

9 Surveys – math pretests Purpose: to teach your prof what we need to review, and to practice peer instruction Write your name legibly Pre-calculus pre-test Calculus pre-test We’ll grade and discuss together Tomorrow: astronomy and physics

10 Looking ahead Next week’s visitor - Next quarter’s APS meeting

11 Science Seminar Monday Star Trek & Thursday Journals Teams & PIQs WebX workshop Wed. Essays Read On Seminar – Arney & Barr Collaborative knowledge-making: read Finkel, Sandoz, and Olson Take InSurvey and WebSurvey by Friday

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