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@PPMH.  For juniors serious about their upcoming college trek, the PSAT is an essential tool to determining future SAT success.  For sophomores and.

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Presentation on theme: "@PPMH.  For juniors serious about their upcoming college trek, the PSAT is an essential tool to determining future SAT success.  For sophomores and."— Presentation transcript:


2  For juniors serious about their upcoming college trek, the PSAT is an essential tool to determining future SAT success.  For sophomores and freshman, the new PSAT will be the best indicator as to where they currently stand in the college admission process.  Combining their PSAT scores along with their grades it will give students their best indicator as to their scholarship options and college choices.

3  Reading  Writing and Language  Math Link below to practice  10/practice 10/practice

4  Make sure you have your testing ticket and you know what room to report to.  Have a good night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast.

5  Once your “test group” arrives, you are officially in Testing Mode and the following must take place:  Turn off all cell phones and/or electronics and place your backpacks in a designated area.  Make sure to grab your approved calculator. We will not be providing them for you.

6  Do your very best!  Do not disturb the testing environment.

7 Thank you for participating in the 2015 PSAT!

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