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TST Session 1.1 Welcome & Introduction Trader Survey Training WFP Markets Learning Programme1.1.1 Trader Survey Training.

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Presentation on theme: "TST Session 1.1 Welcome & Introduction Trader Survey Training WFP Markets Learning Programme1.1.1 Trader Survey Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 TST Session 1.1 Welcome & Introduction Trader Survey Training WFP Markets Learning Programme1.1.1 Trader Survey Training

2 Introductions  Name, position  Experience conducting trader & food security surveys  Main expectations for this training WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 1.1.2

3 Purpose of this training  Enhance capacity of WFP Country Office and partner staff to conduct trader surveys without outside technical support to support food security and other types of assessment WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 1.1.3

4 Workshop Objectives The main objectives of the WFP TST are to enhance your capacity to:  Identify market indicators to be integrated into WFP’s analytical outputs and explain how market info informs WFP decision-making  Describe key elements of market functioning: structure, conduct, performance  Identify types of TSs, the conditions under which TSs should be conducted, and possible triggers of those surveys  List 9 principles & 4 steps guiding planning & implementation of TSs; use this guidance to prepare TS plan  Adapt generic TS questionnaire to fit local needs; describe challenges of TS data collection & techniques for overcoming challenges  Prepare response recommendations based on analysis of TS data WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 1.1.4

5 “Housekeeping” details WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 1.1.5

6 Agenda Day 1: Market Fundamentals Welcome & Introductions Markets & FS Market Info in Food Security Analysis How markets work Why markets matter to WFP Day 3: Survey Plan & Trader Questionnaire Step 3: Elaborating the. Survey Plan & Questionnaire Planning Day 4 Market Visit Day 2: Triggers, Assumptions & Field Parameters TS Types & Triggers The Nine Principles & Four Steps Step 1: Formulating Assumptions Step 2: Establishing Field Survey Parameters Day 4: Collecting & Analysing Data Market Visit: TS Practice Step 4: Supervision & Analysis Day 5: Recommendations & Reporting Step 4: From Analysis to Recommendations Step 4: Reporting Workshop Evaluation WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 1.1.6

7 Training methodology Learn to conduct TSs via classroom and on- the-job training Key elements: Practical resource materials Case studies Field practice Your active participation WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 1.1.7

8 Assessor Database  Register your details today @  At end of course, we will register your completion of the course WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 1.1.8

9 Quick Overview: Participant Experience Your views regarding:  Usefulness of TSs  What worked well? What didn’t? (during your TSs) WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 1.1.9

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