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Health IT Standards Committee Update December 19, 2012 Doug Fridsma, MD, PhD, FACP, FACMI Chief Science Officer & Director, Office of Science & Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Health IT Standards Committee Update December 19, 2012 Doug Fridsma, MD, PhD, FACP, FACMI Chief Science Officer & Director, Office of Science & Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health IT Standards Committee Update December 19, 2012 Doug Fridsma, MD, PhD, FACP, FACMI Chief Science Officer & Director, Office of Science & Technology

2 S&I Framework Overview VALUE / OUTPUTS Tools and Services (Use Case Development, Harmonization Tools, Vocabulary Browser, Value Set Repository, Testing Scripts, etc) Use Case Development and Functional Requirements Standards Development Certification and Testing Harmonization of Core Concepts Implementation Specifications Pilot Demonstration Projects Reference Implementation Standards and Interoperability Architecture Refinement and Management

3 S&I Framework – Current Status VALUE / OUTPUTS Tools and Services (Use Case Development, Harmonization Tools, Vocabulary Browser, Value Set Repository, Testing Scripts, etc) Use Case Development and Functional Requirements Standards Development Certification and Testing Harmonization of Core Concepts Implementation Specifications Pilot Demonstration Projects Reference Implementation Standards and Interoperability Architecture Refinement and Management Sept 2012 Jan 2013 Feb 2013 Jan 2013 Dec 2012Feb 2012

4 S&I Initiative Portfolio Snapshot Transitions of Care Provider Directories Query Health Pre-DiscoveryUse CaseHarmonizationRI, Test & PilotEvaluation Lab Results Interface Data Segmentation for Privacy esMD Longitudinal Coordination of Care Public Health Reporting Laboratory Orders Interface Direct Project (S&I Archetype) Health eDecisions Automate Blue Button (ABBI)

5 Request for comment: MU3 December 14, workgroup assignments for the HITPC RFC distributed among 5 working groups – Clinical Quality WG – Privacy and Security WG – Clinical Operations WG – NwHIN PT – Implementation WG There are a number of items that have been assigned to more than one workgroup, these have a primary and secondary workgroup noted. If there are any RFC items that a Workgroup would like to take on in addition to their current assignment, please email MacKenzie. At the Jan 16 HITSC meeting each WG will report out on their primary assignments (with secondary WG chairs providing supplemental comments as necessary) followed by the HITSC comments on the remaining items.

6 Things to consider when reviewing What are the existing standards that we have to support the goals and objectives of MU3? How mature are those standards? How many people use them? How much time would it take to get to the next incremental step? What is needed to get to that next step? Pilots and experience? Refinement of the standard? Development of consensus across different approaches? Other resources: – NWHIN power team assessment tools and criteria for standards readiness – Administrative support from ONC

7 Question/Discussion Learn more at: ONC website: S&I Framework wiki: Questions/Discussion

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