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Henry Simons and the Chicago School of Economics Douglas Irwin Dartmouth College.

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Presentation on theme: "Henry Simons and the Chicago School of Economics Douglas Irwin Dartmouth College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Henry Simons and the Chicago School of Economics Douglas Irwin Dartmouth College


3 “the Crown Prince of that hypothetical kingdom, the Chicago School of Economics” – George Stigler

4 Simons most famous for

5 Positive Program for Laissez Faire 1.Promote competitive (not free) markets 2.Monetary stability through rules 3.Tax policy to reduce inequality 4.Free trade 5.Limit advertising

6 Problems of the 1930s

7 Simons says Competitive markets – Suspicious of concentrated power, want decentralization – Aggressive antitrust policy, eliminate monopolies – Oppose government restrictions on competition Monetary stability – 100% money – Price-level rule Main point: if you can ensure economic stability through sound monetary policy, the competitive market system will work well Point comes from 1930s, but message resonates beyond 1930s

8 Friedman’s 1967 Simons lecture

9 Stigler’s 1958 Simons Lecture

10 Stigler Early research questions: – Extent and Basis of Monopoly (AER, 1942) “the major factor in the decline of competition has been governmental support of monopoly” – “The Case against Big Business” Fortune (1955) – Favored Sherman Antitrust Act and merger restrictions – Questioned benefits of public regulation 1961: “I believe the increasing public hostility toward both big business and big unions is not justified by any increases in their power. The amount of power possessed by a big business or a big union is usually very small, so that even with the worst will in the world... do only a very modest amount of damage to the community.”

11 “I am no longer a faithful follower, although I am still an admirer, of Frank Knight and Henry Simons” – George Stigler (1985) “I find his monetary theory sophisticated and modern, but his policy recommendations unacceptable.” – Milton Friedman (1967)

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