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EPRI Strategic R&D Grid & Asset Management Paul M. Grant Manager, SR&D NSF/EPRI Coordination Meeting 8 July 1997.

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Presentation on theme: "EPRI Strategic R&D Grid & Asset Management Paul M. Grant Manager, SR&D NSF/EPRI Coordination Meeting 8 July 1997."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPRI Strategic R&D Grid & Asset Management Paul M. Grant Manager, SR&D NSF/EPRI Coordination Meeting 8 July 1997

2 Strategic R&D EPRI Grid & Asset Management b Grid Simulation and Control b Advanced Power Electronics b Superconductivity

3 Strategic R&D EPRI Power Electronics The Thyristor

4 Strategic R&D EPRI Power Electronics The “Hockey Puck”

5 Strategic R&D EPRI Power Electronics Conventional Semiconductors Ge Si GaAs

6 Strategic R&D EPRI Power Electronics Wide-Bandgap Materials: SiC Silicon Carbide

7 Strategic R&D EPRI Power Electronics Wide-Bandgap Materials: GaN Gallium Nitride

8 Strategic R&D EPRI Power Electronics Wide-Bandgap Materials: C (O h ) Diamond

9 Strategic R&D EPRI Power Electronics Materials Summary CVD CVD PropertySiSiCDiamond GaN Bandgap voltage (eV, at 300K) how much voltage can be blocked Breakdown voltage (E b, 10 6 v/cm) limits maximum power capacity Max. operating temperature (K) limits power flow Thermal conductivity (C T, w/cm) cooling rate 3.4 5? ? 1.3 5.5 10 1400 20 2.2 4 1200 5 1.1 0.3 600 1.5

10 Strategic R&D EPRI Power Electronics EPRI/DARPA APE Initiative ($21 M) InstitutionTask Northrup-Grumman25kV/2kA SiC MOS Thyristors U. FloridaSiC & GaN IGBTs & MCTs ECRLight-Controlled Thyristor Vanderbilt U.SiC MOSFETs/MCTs NASA LewisCVD of SiC Epilayers for HV Cal TechGaN Thyristors/Schottkys by MBE

11 Strategic R&D EPRI Power Electronics Example: C (O h ) Phototransistor Pas8.A.Katz 2/97 ON OFF Laser Trigger Signal High Voltage +v d Photoconductive Slab 1 Contacts Beetz et al, (1990) Transmission Line Pulsed Solid State Diode Laser Array w Laser Trigger Signal High Voltage +v d Photoconductive Slab 1 Contacts Beetz et al, (1990) Transmission Line Pulsed Solid State Diode Laser Array w Energy Conversion Research

12 Strategic R&D EPRI Superconductivity Search for New Materials b Copper Sulfide Perovskites (IBM, Columbia) b TMO’s, TMS’s (MCS, U. Maryland) b Phase Spread Alloys (UCSD) b “Hunting License” (TCSUH)

13 Strategic R&D EPRI Superconductivity J C in BSCCO OPIT/Ag Tape MO Imaging Two Precursor Method Wire Development Group STC-UW (New NSF MRSEC!)

14 Strategic R&D EPRI Superconductivity Progress in BSCCO Wire

15 Strategic R&D EPRI Superconductivity EPRI/Pirelli ac Cable 135 kV/2000 A No SC Shield Cable-in-Conduit BSCCO OPIT/Ag Tapes ac Loss Issues - 3300 Adc in 50 m (1996) - 1.3 mile Utility Service (2000)

16 Strategic R&D EPRI Superconductivity EPRI/ASC Y-123 CC Alliance ASC LANL Stanford MIT STC-UW TCSUH Y-123 Coated Conductors - IBAD - Deformation Texturization - MOD/PLD

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