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Revision for Mid-term Exam By Wanguiying Guhua Middle School.

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1 Revision for Mid-term Exam By Wanguiying Guhua Middle School

2 Who is ……?

3 Do you want to know more about Harry Potter? Harry Potter is a clever boy. Harry is 12 years old. Harry has no parents. Harry lives with Harry’s uncle and aunt. Harry’s uncle and aunt have a son. Harry’s uncle isn’t very kind to Harry. Harry’s uncle’s life is very rich, but Harry’s is very hard.

4 Do you want to know more about Harry Potter? is a clever boy. is 12 years old. has no parents. lives with uncle and aunt. uncle and aunt have a son. uncle isn’t very kind to uncle’s life is very rich, but Harry Potter Harry Harry’sHarry Harry’s HarryHarry’s Harry is very hard. He his His him. his His

5 Personal pronouns( 人称代词) 主格宾格形物代名物代 he him his his

6 it they we you you it them us you you yours your your yours our my ours mine theirtheirs itsits 主格宾格形物代名物代 第 一 人称单数 第二人称复数 第三人称单数 第二人称单数 第一人称复数 第三人称复数 I me he him his his she herher hers who who whose whose 疑问代词

7 I we you he she it they who

8 doesn’t always go out at night. He is Peter’s sister.She sometimes watches TV with Kitty. It help each other. They Peter Alice Sam Alice and Peter like to be together.We Alice and I

9 1 2 3 4

10 1. ____________ very friendly. (be )IWe You HeSheThey am are is are

11 2. _____________ having a meeting. (not be) IWeYou He SheThey am not aren’t isn’t aren’t

12 3. ____________very hard. (work)IWe You HeSheThey works work

13 4. _______________swimming. (not like) IWeYouHe She They don’t like doesn’t like

14 More practice: 1.She is very kind to others.( 改成复数) 2.We don’t often go to the park.( 用 he 改写句子) 3.They are going to visit Space Museum tomorrow. (划线提问) 4.He likes Harry Porter very much.( 划线提问) They are very kind to others. He doesn’t often go to the park. Who is going to visit Space Museum tomorrow? Who likes Harry Porter very much?

15 Today is Harry’s 12th birthday. But his uncle and aunt don’t remember his birthday. They even don’t give Harry a present. Harry has a good friend, Ron. He also has a special friend---a bird. He is very kind to Ron and the bird.

16 Today is Harry’s 12th birthday. But his uncle and aunt don’t remember They even don’t give a present. Harry has a good friend, Ron. He also has a special friend---a bird. He is very kind to. his birthday Harry it him Ron and the bird them

17 him it them me us you her who

18 1. it. We all like Sam 2. 3.3. 4. 5. him her Peter always tells not to tell lies. Tom Miss Green buys a new bike. Kitty them Grandpa always tells interesting stories. Alice and Kitty usGrandpa wants to be friendly. and I Alice

19 Alice is very friendly to her Kitty Mother cooks food for us Grandpa and I Alice sometimes gives some food to it Sam Mother is very angry with him Tom Peter always smiles at them. Alice and Tom 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

20 1.I like she very much. 2.Miss Wu teaches our Chinese. 3.I tell they not to leave rubbish. 4.My mother always cooks food for I. 5.These books are very helpful to we. 6.He gave me a toy car. × √ × × × × her us them me us

21 1.Mr. Green often tells _______(we) some stories. 2.I will give the presents to________(they). 3.He always helps _______(I). 4.This letter is for ________.(he) 5.Kitty often goes shopping with her mother. 6.Ron and the bird always help Harry Porter. ( 划线提问) us them me him Who does Kitty often go shopping with? ( 划线提问) Who do Ron and the bird always help?

22 Harry Potter is also a brave boy. He has magic power. Look, this is his magic broom.( 魔法扫帚).This broom is his.

23 Model 1 : A: Is this your book? B: No, it isn’t my book?It isn’t mine. A: Is this book yours? C: Yes, it’s mine. / No, it isn’t mine. It’s……book. It’s his/hers. Model 2 : A: Is this your book? B: No, it isn’t my book?It isn’t mine. A: Is this book yours? C: No, it isn’t mine. A: Then whose book is this? B: It’s……

24 my mine our ours your yours your yours his her hers its their theirs whose

25 Quick responses: This is her book. The book is hers. This is our classroom. The classroom is _______. This is your car. The car is __________. My car is red. ________ (Mrs. Qian’s car )is black. His ruler is short. ________ (Tom’s ruler ) is long. Your school is old. __________(Our school) is new. Our English teacher is tall. _______(their English teacher) is short. ours yours Hers His Theirs Ours

26 Harry’s story again Harry Potter is a clever boy. _____ is 12 years old. ________ has no parents. ______ lives with _______ uncle and aunt. _______ have a son. _______ aren’t very kind to ______. ________ life is very rich, but _____ is very hard. Today is _____12th birthday. But ______ uncle and aunt don’t give ______ a present. good friend. _______ also has a special friend--- a bird. _____ is very kind to ________. And _______ is also a brave boy. ______ has a He his He his They himTheir him them his

27 Harry Potter wants to make friends with you. But he doesn’t know about you. Would you please tell him something more about you. You may tell him your family, your hobby, your friend or your favourite thing and so on.

28 she it they I we you you her it them me us you you yours your your yours our my ours mine theirtheirs itsits her hers 主格宾格形物代名物代 he him his his 第三人称单数 第三人称复数 第一人称单数 第二人称单数 第一人称复数 第二人称复数 I me who who whose whose 疑问代词

29 主格必定在句首 介词动词后加宾 形物代后必加名 名物代必指代名

30 英语人称代词用法口诀 人称代词主宾格,作用不同莫用错。 主格动词前做主,动词介词后宾格。 You 和 it 主宾同,其他主宾须分清。 人称代词并列现,尊重他人礼当先。 单数人称二三一,复数人称一二三。 若把错误责任担,第一人称我靠前。

31 Homework : 1.Finish the exercises 2. Writing: Introduce yourself. Say something about your family, your hobby, your friend or your favourite thing and so on.


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