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We believe that … Israel has a future Zechariah 12-14.

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Presentation on theme: "We believe that … Israel has a future Zechariah 12-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 We believe that … Israel has a future Zechariah 12-14

2 We believe that... Israel has a future Fatah (PLO) and Hamas are committed to ‘the destruction of the State of Israel’ … it’s in their charter.

3 We believe that... Israel has a future Israel must be wiped off the map. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Former President of Iran

4 We believe that... Israel has a future whoever touches Israel touches the apple of my eye. GOD in Zechariah 2:8

5 We believe that... Israel has a future 3 R’s of redemption in Zechariah: revealed in 1-6 rejected in 7-11 received in 12-14

6 We believe that... Israel has a future seven figures of Israel’s destiny …

7 We believe that... Israel has a future ‘Strike the shepherd …’ ‘Strike the shepherd …’ (13:7a) reference to Calvary ‘the man’ – his humanity ‘who is close to me’ – his deity

8 We believe that... Israel has a future ‘… the sheep will be scattered …’ ‘… the sheep will be scattered …’ (13:7b) as in AD70 the history of Israel is a miracle even as Israel is a miracle of history

9 We believe that... Israel has a future ‘… I will turn my hand …’ ‘… I will turn my hand …’ (13:7c) represents the grace of God the hand that drove them out is the same hand that will draw them in a nation regathered – May 1948

10 We believe that... Israel has a future ‘I will bring … refine … test them’ ‘I will bring … refine … test them’ (13:9) reference to the Tribulation God excels in opening up a way his delays are not his denials

11 We believe that... Israel has a future ‘I will gather all nations …’ ‘I will gather all nations …’ (14:2) reference to Armageddon campaign God is on the side of the underdog last battle is won by a word

12 We believe that... Israel has a future ‘On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives …’ ‘On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives …’ (14:4) the Second Coming of King Jesus ‘holy ones’ – angels and his people God has not forgotten

13 We believe that... Israel has a future ‘The Lord will be king over the whole earth.’ ‘The Lord will be king over the whole earth.’ (14:9) reference to Millennial Kingdom global changes in every realm an era of perpetual blessing

14 We believe that... Israel has a future Israel is God’s ticking clock … ‘Jerusalem will be secure’ (14:11) one day – one Lord – one name

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