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FEDERALISM National & State Government. What is the Definition of FEDERALISM? Use Handout # 1 and fill in the answers using this chart.

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Presentation on theme: "FEDERALISM National & State Government. What is the Definition of FEDERALISM? Use Handout # 1 and fill in the answers using this chart."— Presentation transcript:

1 FEDERALISM National & State Government

2 What is the Definition of FEDERALISM? Use Handout # 1 and fill in the answers using this chart.

3 Quick video clip on Federal & State Powers Click on the picture

4 What are these cartoons saying about the Federal Government?

5 Changing Federal Grants to State and Local Governments What has been happening to Federal money??? Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning5

6 Label Me Unfunded Mandates have led to these labels. Do we have too much government regulation? 6

7 FEDERAL vs STATE’S RIGHTS/POWERS Take a look at Handout #2 Fill in whether you think the item should be addressed by the national or State Governments. Be prepared to explain why you take that side.

8 The Downside of Diversity: spending on Public Education New York $12,408 Utah$5,556 *New York spend an average of $12,408 for each child in the public schools; in Utah, the figure was $5,556.

9 What Is a Civil Union? August 9, 2007 Politicians often say they support civil unions but not gay marriage. We sort out the difference. When politicians say they support civil unions but not marriage for people of the same sex, what do they mean? We find three main differences between civil unions and marriage as it's traditionally viewed: The right to federal benefits. –TAX CUTS for being married, Social Security Benefits, Health Care benefits, seeing your loved one in a Hospital. States that allow some type of same-sex union are able to grant only state rights. The Defense of Marriage Act passed in 1996 prohibits same-sex couples from receiving federal marriage rights and benefits. Portability. Because civil unions are not recognized by all states, such agreements are not always valid when couples cross state lines. Terminology. "Marriage" is a term that conveys societal and cultural meaning, important to both gay rights activists and those who don't believe gays should marry.



12 Death with Dignity: Euthanasia



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