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Anger Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Anger Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anger Management

2 Anger is an emotion Anger can be caused by feelings of threatened, harmed, or powerless. Anger triggers differ for each person (we own it) Ranges from mild to intense. Suppressing anger is a bad idea (gonna come out sooner or later). Can be constructive or destructive. Learn to deal with it.

3 Recognizing Triggers Not bad or good, triggers just are.
Different for each person. Your triggers; your choice of reaction. If you don’t learn to own it, you can’t learn to change it. Avoid your triggers

4 Constructive anger Constructive anger is often low intensity
Signals something is wrong and change is needed. Good self-motivator. Handled with care relieves stress before blowup. Solution focused.

5 Destructive Anger Destructive anger: intense and self-serving
Frequent and often expressed at wrong time. Suppressed and unhealthy. Directed towards someone or something. Long-term negative consequences.

6 Anger styles Reactive Passive-aggressive Avoidant Direct
Respond immediately, loud and animated. Linked to elevated risk of cardiovascular disease. Passive-aggressive Respond by indirect attack, gossip, silent treatment. Spend a lot of time thinking how they have been wronged. Avoidant Suppress anger. Damages self esteem and can lead to severe depression. Direct You don’t hold it in, but you think before you open your mouth. Pick your battles; not all require an action.

7 What is your anger style?
Go to this website and find out health/how-do-you-express- anger?cm_mmc=MSN_Lifestyle-

8 Learn to deal with it Understand your anger; easier to deal with when you know the why. Express your anger; keep a journal. Take action; eliminate your triggers and fix what ails you. Don’t obsess; stewing over it just makes it worse and can cause long term health issues. Keep stress relievers handy i.e. breathing exercises, meditation ng_ex.htm

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