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1. 2 Application Workshops Thursday November 8 South Lake Tahoe Tuesday November 13 Ventura Wednesday November 14 Clovis Friday November 16 Sacramento.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Application Workshops Thursday November 8 South Lake Tahoe Tuesday November 13 Ventura Wednesday November 14 Clovis Friday November 16 Sacramento."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 Application Workshops Thursday November 8 South Lake Tahoe Tuesday November 13 Ventura Wednesday November 14 Clovis Friday November 16 Sacramento Webcast: Webcast email:

3 3 Workshop Topics Program Overview Application Scoring Criteria Capacity Building Grants General Suggestions Questions and Answers

4 4 Program Overview Funding Over Life of Program Averaged 66 Applications per Year 128 Grants Funded Funded 37 to 42% of Applications Submitted Funded with Proposition 50 $6.4 million Available in FY 2007/ 2008

5 5 LGA Funded Projects 2000-2005

6 6 Proposal Types For Groundwater Studies, Monitoring and Management Examples Table 1 in PSP Five Year Report /AB303_Finalized_050206.pdf

7 7 Application Support Local Groundwater Assistance Website Budget Table and Applicant Information Templates Example Work Plans, Budgets, and Schedules FAQs (under construction) and more California’s Groundwater Website DWR Bulletin 118-03 California’s Groundwater

8 8 Who May Apply? Local Public Agencies Attachment A Agreements (contracts) must be with this agency Partnerships are encouraged

9 9 Grant Requirements Maximum grant is $250,000 per applicant No cost share required Grant Agreement must be signed before funds are disbursed Waiver of Confidentiality and Related Rights

10 10 Schedule Applications Due December 11, 2007 at 5 PM March 2008 – DWR Review Completed April – Technical Advisory Panel and Public Meeting May/June – Grant Awards

11 11 Application Evaluation Process Must be Complete to be Evaluated Appendix A and B Use Checklist in Appendix C Must be Eligible for Funding Evaluated According to Criteria in Table D-1

12 12 Appendix A Applicant Information Use fill-able “Applicant Information Templates” from LGA web page for Project Information Applicant Tracking Information Narrative Description Summary Use Authorized Signature in Resolution

13 13 Applicant Information GIS Shape Files Prefer in NAD 27 Questions: Brett Wyckoff (916) 651- 9283 or email Authorizing Resolution & Authority Example on p. 12 If unavailable, state date of submittal

14 14 Appendix B Detailed Description of Proposal

15 15 Quality of Groundwater Management Plan (GWMP) GWMP and Related Programs Proof of Adopted GWMP Purpose, Goals, and Map Implementation Public Process and Cooperation Groundwater Management Monitoring Protocols

16 16 Adopted GWMP Provide evidence of official adoption Provide copies of the adopted GWMP

17 17 GWMP Equivalents County Groundwater Ordinances Court Ordered Adjudication Agreement Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) Others

18 18 No GWMP? Provide draft GWMP and planned adoption date Proposal may be to develop a GWMP Adoption date in schedule and work plan Intent to develop and adopt a GWMP Complete Application based on draft, proposed, and intended plan

19 19 Overall GWMP Section Cite Where to Reference in GWMP Complete this portion of application also for draft or proposed GWMP

20 20 Purpose, Goals, and Map Explain Purpose and goals of GWMP Boundaries delineated and where a map exists Refer to DWR Bulletin 118-03 California’s Groundwater

21 21 Implementation Summarize how GWMP has been or will be implemented Explain how GWMP has or will improve groundwater management and knowledge For a draft or proposed GWMP Provide schedule on how and when it will be adopted

22 22 Public Process and Cooperation in the GWMP Discuss cooperative/stakeholder efforts To date and ongoing Outreach, public announcements, Relation to IRWMP efforts Discuss support and any opposition to the GWMP Explain how disputes will be resolved

23 23 Groundwater Management in GWMP Relate GWMP to Management Explain how BMOs (or the equivalent) are included Use of hydrogeologic principles in decision making Explain why the list of issues and components of GW Management are or will be addressed or why not

24 24 GWMP Monitoring Explain How Monitoring Protocols Promote collection of consistent, reproducible, and consistent results Address management issues of degradation, subsidence, surface flows, water levels, supply availability, storage and beneficial uses

25 25 Quality of the Proposal Public Outreach and Community Support Technical Adequacy of Work Use of Information Gained

26 26 Public Outreach and Community Support Provide evidence of process for informing stakeholder of the PROPOSED PROJECT Demonstrate that stakeholders are or will be Aware of proposal Informed in an ongoing process Should be in Work Plan, Budget and Schedule

27 27 Technical Adequacy of Work

28 28 Project Description Provide Detailed and complete description of project Goals and purpose of proposal Tie to groundwater management that supports the GWMP

29 29 Work Plan Explain purpose, scope, and tasks in work plan Will access to private property be granted (if needed)? Is the planned work reasonable and realistic? Is work plan consistent with budget and schedule?

30 30 Budget Provide cost breakdown and documentation of services, materials, etc. Are costs reasonable and realistic? Are they consistent with Work Plan and Schedule? Use standard budget spreadsheet

31 31 Standard Budget Table (see handout)

32 32 Tiered Detailed Budget (see handout)

33 33 Schedule Start no sooner than 6/1/08 Complete not later than 5/15/10 Make reasonable and realistic Consistent with Work Plan and Budget

34 34 Information and Environmental Compliance Information Demonstrate high quality and useful Improved groundwater management Technically feasible methods Statewide GW data needs Provide a plan for CEQA compliance and identify permits

35 35 Quality Assurance and Past Performance Quality Assurance and Control Measures Provide well defined measures for each task Demonstrate that consistence and reliable data will be obtained Past Performance Provide performance evaluations Give examples of similar work

36 36 Use of Information Gained Explain the Need and Value of Proposal Performance What will be done to ensure that the proposal will meet its intended goals, objectives, and benefits? Ongoing Use Explain funded work will be used afterwards Information Dissemination Discuss process to inform interested parties

37 37 Scoring Criteria Table D-1

38 38 Scoring of Criteria 5 points – Criterion is fully addressed with thorough and well presented documentation 4 points 3 points – Criterion is not fully addressed and documentation is incomplete or insufficient 2 points 1 point – Criterion is minimally addressed and not documented Zero (0) points – Criterion is not addressed

39 39 Scoring of Criterion D1(a) for Adopted GWMP 5 points – Before December 11, 2007 3 points – Not adopted but clearly developing Zero (0) points – None in place or clearly being developed

40 40 Capacity Building Grants If you do not receive a $250,000 grant……. Your agency may be eligible for a $50,000 grant.

41 41 Capacity Building Grants For public outreach, develop components of GWMPs, perform reconnaissance studies, or do other preliminary activities TAP recommends grants of $50K or less Total LGA funding allocated to capacity building grants may not exceed $250K

42 42 Capacity Building Grants Not previously LGA grant Groundwater management priorities for grant Critical to improving areas not previously covered by a GWMP Will it result in substantial improvement?

43 43 Characteristics of Good Application Well Organized and Specific Follow PSP Use headings in Appendices A & B as an Outline Address all subjects in Appendix B

44 44 Other Suggestions Be clear, concise, and consistent Use related tables and legible graphics and maps Provide applicable supporting documentation more not necessarily better Reference supporting documentation including applicable page numbers

45 45 More Suggestions Make Sure that Work plan, Budget and Schedule agree and are clearly presented Understand Evaluation Criteria Appendix D (Table D-1) Verify complete using the Appendix C Checklist Review the example grant agreement on website

46 46 Submit Application No later than 5:00 PM December 11, 2007 Conjunctive Water Management Branch Attention: Harley H. Davis Division of Planning and Local Assistance California Department of Water Resources Mail to: P.O. Box 942836 Sacramento, CA 94236-0001 Hand Deliver to: 901 P Street, Guard Station Sacramento, CA Overnight Courier to: 1416 Ninth St., Room 338 Sacramento, CA

47 47 Questions and Answers For Proposal and Solicitation Information Harley H. Davis (916) 651-9229

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