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The 1980s By Olivia Sessions 1980 John Lennon was murdered by a man named David Chapman on December 8 th 1980 when walking home with his fiance' Yoko.

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2 The 1980s By Olivia Sessions

3 1980 John Lennon was murdered by a man named David Chapman on December 8 th 1980 when walking home with his fiance' Yoko

4 1981 The royal wedding was the 29 th of June. The royqal couple Lady Dianna and Prince Charles were married but five years later in 1996.

5 1982 Thriller was the best selling album of the year. Michael Jackson sold 85 million dollars worth of tickets.

6 1983 Michael Jackson made the moon walk famous in the song Billie Jean.

7 1984 Whitney Houston came out with her hit so emotional She had had topped the charts before but this was the third single she had. The chorus is: I get so emotional baby, every time I think of you, I get so emotional, ain't it shocking what love can do.

8 1985 On September 1 st The titanic was found under 12400 feet of water. 35 photographs were taken of this massive ship.

9 1986 On January 28 th the Challenger exploded There was a teacher on the shuttle 73 seconds into the mission the Challenger exploded

10 1987 Dirty Dancing came out August 21 st 1987 Main actors are Jenifer Gray and Patrick Swayze

11 1988 On December 21 Pan Am flight 103 exploded Killed 270 people

12 1989 The San Francisco earthquake It was a 7.1 it struck before the world series

13 sources

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