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“Party in the U.S.A.” -Miley Cyrus

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1 “Party in the U.S.A.” -Miley Cyrus
Vocabulary Day. “Party in the U.S.A.” -Miley Cyrus

2 Malevolent Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: There was a malevolent force in the haunted house. Definition: showing ill will, evil Synonym: malicious, harmful

3 Disconsolate Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: The campers were disconsolate when they discovered bears had destroyed their tent. Definition: Hopelessly unhappy Synonym: Inconsolable

4 Pernicious Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: Rodents have been known to carry pernicious diseases, such as the plague. Definition: causing harm or ruin Synonym: Harmful

5 Despondent Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: Elizabeth was despondent over dropping her engagement ring in the sewer. Definition: profound hopelessness Synonym: depressed

6 Autonomy Part of Speech: Noun
Sentence: There were so many guards at the jail that that the inmates had very little autonomy. Definition: independence or freedom of will Synonym: liberty

7 Licentious Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: The licentious sheriff chased women and broke all of his own laws. Definition: Unrestrained by law or morality Synonym: lascivious

8 Nomad Part of Speech: Noun
Sentence: The nomads wandered the desert for years. Definition: member of a tribe that has no permanent home Synonym: wanderer, rover

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