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Revolution Battles American Revolution US Constitution Government Terms Random Goodies $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500.

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Presentation on theme: "Revolution Battles American Revolution US Constitution Government Terms Random Goodies $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revolution Battles American Revolution US Constitution Government Terms Random Goodies $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

2 1: $100 Question: Where did the Patriot forces endure a winter of terrible suffering? Answer Home

3 1 : $100 Answer: Valley Forge Home

4 1 : $200 Question: On Christmas night 1776, the Patriots scored a victory at what location? Answer Home

5 1: $200 Answer: Trenton Home

6 1: $300 Question: The French announced support for the United States during the Revolutionary War after the American victory at what location? Answer Home

7 1: $300 Answer: Saratoga Home

8 1: $400 Question: At what location did George Rogers Clark’s victory strengthen the American position in the West? Answer Home

9 1: $400 Answer: Vincennes Home

10 1: $500 Question: King George III finally surrendered and agreed to give the Americans their freedom after the victory at what location? Answer Home

11 1: $500 Answer: Yorktown Home

12 2: $100 Question: What was the primary reason for the Declaration of Independence? Answer Home

13 2: $100 Answer: Taxation without Representation Home

14 2: $200 Question: What was the name given to Americans who supported independence from Britain? Answer Home

15 2: $200 Answer: Patriots Home

16 2: $300 Question: Which American practice was contradictory to the American battle for liberty during the Revolutionary War? Answer Home

17 2: $300 Answer: Practice of slavery Home

18 2: $400 Question: Where was the worst American defeat of the war? Answer Home

19 2: $400 Answer: Charles Town Home

20 2: $500 Question: The British promised to withdraw all troops from American territory in what treaty? Answer Home

21 2: $500 Answer: The Treaty of Paris 1783 Home

22 3: $100 Question: What is the final authority under the federal system of government? Home Answer

23 3: $100 Answer: US Constitution Home

24 3: $200 Question: What is the branch of government headed by the president? Home Answer Home

25 3: $200 Answer: Executive branch Home

26 3: $300 Question: Those who opposed the Constitution feared the national government would do what? Home Answer Home

27 3: $300 Answer: Take rights away from the people Home

28 3: $400 Question: During the convention, delegates broke the deadlock between large and small states when they approved what compromise? Answer Home

29 3: $400 Answer: The Great Compromise Home

30 3: $500 Question: The President can check Congress through what action? Answer Home

31 3: $500 Answer: Vetoing Home

32 4 : $100 Question: What is a government called in which citizens rule through elected representatives? Answer Home

33 4 : $100 Answer: Republic Home

34 4 : $200 Question: What is the division of powers between the national government and the state government? Answer Home

35 4 : $200 Answer: Federal system Home

36 4 : 300 Question: What keeps any one branch of government from gaining too much power? Answer Home

37 4 : $300 Answer: Checks and balances Home

38 4 : $400 Question: What is the most distinctive feature of the United States government? Answer Home

39 4 : $400 Answer: Separation of powers Home

40 4 : $500 Question: The Supreme Court reviewing and ruling on acts of other branches of the government is called what? Answer Home

41 4 : $500 Answer: Judicial review Home

42 5: $100 Question: In the 1500’s what changed the way of life for Native Americans forever? Answer Home

43 5: $100 Answer: Arrival of the Europeans Home

44 5: $200 Question: How did England view its North American colonies? Answer Home

45 5: $200 Answer: As an economic resource Home

46 5: $300 Question: Besides imperialistic strength and mercantilism, what was one other reason why Europeans were interested in settling in the New World? Answer Home

47 5: $300 Answer: Religious freedom Home

48 5: $400 Question: Which law helped stop the spread of slavery to the West? Answer Home

49 5: $400 Answer: Northwest Ordinance Home

50 5: $500 Question: What was America’s first constitution called? Answer Home

51 5: $500 Answer: Articles of Confederation Home

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