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Announcements 3/18 Homework – Writing Addition and Subtraction Expressions Practice – Weekly Math #20 – due by next Friday completed – corrections will.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements 3/18 Homework – Writing Addition and Subtraction Expressions Practice – Weekly Math #20 – due by next Friday completed – corrections will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements 3/18 Homework – Writing Addition and Subtraction Expressions Practice – Weekly Math #20 – due by next Friday completed – corrections will be due by the following Friday New late policy for 6 th grade: -1 day late = -10 -after 1 day late = 50% New AE schedule starts this week Iready Wednesday and Thursday MAP testing (Math) on Thursday = altered schedule

2 Review Homework 4. Give the name of the shape. Give the length and width, the perimeter, and the area of the shape.

3 Stretch Break

4 Lesson 7 quiz : Replacing Letters with numbers When finished: – Turn in quiz to me – Pick up Warm Up

5 Warm Up - Tuesday a)Eric is putting together snack bags for his classmates. He bought 18 granola bars and 9 apples. Each snack bag will have the same number of granola bars and apples. Does Eric have enough food to make 10 snack bags? b)One morning it was -9°F in Columbus, Ohio and -7°F in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Was it warmer in Columbus or Pittsburgh? Graph the numbers on a number line, write an inequality statement

6 Lesson 9 – Writing Addition and Subtraction Expressions Example 1 Create a bar diagram to show 3 plus 5. Show me how would this look if you were asked to show 5 plus 3? Are these two expressions equivalent?

7 Example 2 How can we show a number increased by 2? Prove this using a model.

8 Example 3 Write an expression to show the sum of m and k. Which property can be used in Examples 1-3 to show that both expressions given are equivalent?

9 Example 4 10 minus 6 – Draw a bar diagram to model this expression – What expression would represent this model? – Could we also use 6 – 10?

10 Example 5 3 less than a number – Are we taking away from the 3 or from the unknown number? – Draw a diagram to model the subtraction. – What expression would represent this model?

11 Example 6 the number c being subtracted from the sum of a and b – Write an expression for “the sum of a and b” – Now show c being subtracted from the sum

12 Example 7 Write an expression to show the number c minus the sum of a and b Why are the parentheses necessary in this example and not in example 6? Replace the variables with numbers to see if c – (a + b) is the equivalent to c – a + b – a = – b = – c =

13 Exercises When finished clean off desk and work on Homework or Weekly Math #20

14 Homework 1.Write an expression showing the sum of 8 and a number f. 2.Write an expression showing 5 less than the number k. 3.Write an expression showing the sum of a number h and a number w minus 11.

15 Announcements 3/19 Homework – Writing and Expanding Multiplication Expressions Practice – Weekly Math #20 – due by next Friday completed – corrections will be due by the following Friday New late policy for 6 th grade: -1 day late = -10 -after 1 day late = 50% New AE schedule starts this week Iready math - Wednesday and la-Thursday MAP testing (Math) on Thursday = altered schedule

16 Warm Up - Wednesday a)Graph -5, -3, -9, and 9 on a number line. Write two inequalities to compare -5 and -3. Write two inequalities to compare -9 and 9. b)A sports store orders a box of table tennis balls. The dimensions of the box are 10 inches by 10 inches by 10 inches. Inside the box, there are 6 layers of table tennis balls. Each layer is made up of 6 rows and 6 columns of table tennis balls. How many table tennis balls are in the box?

17 Review Exercises & Homework 1.Write an expression showing the sum of 8 and a number f. 2.Write an expression showing 5 less than the number k. 3.Write an expression showing the sum of a number h and a number w minus 11.

18 Review Exponents & Order of Op quiz Also pass back Properties quiz

19 Stretch Break

20 Lesson 10 – Writing and Expanding Multiplication Expressions When we want to show multiplication of two numbers, like 5 and 7, we typically write 5 x 7, where x represents _________. Now, when we start to use variables with multiplication, we can use other forms: – a x b – a · b – ab – (a)(b)

21 Discussion – a x b – a · b – ab – (a)(b) Why might we want to use forms other than x when variables are involved? Which of the models can be used when there are no variables involved?

22 Discussion When writing expressions using the fewest number of symbols, we will have to refrain from using the symbols x, ·, or () We will also be using math terms to describe expressions and the parts of an expression. We will be using words like factor, product, quotient, coefficient, and term

23 Discussion Term – part of an expression that can be added to or subtracted from the rest of the expression – Which are examples of terms in the expression 7g + 8h + 3? Coefficient – is a constant factor in a variable term. – Which are examples of coefficients in the expression 7g + 8h + 3?

24 Simplifying Expressions Practice on desks Write each expression using the fewest number of symbols and characters a) 6 · b b)4 · 3 · h c)2 · 2 · 2 · a · b d)5 · m · 3 · p e)1 · g · w

25 To expand multiplication expressions we will rewrite the expressions by including the symbols back into the expressions a)5g b)7abc c)12g d)3h · 8 e)7g · 9h Expanding Expressions Practice on desks

26 Expanding and Simplifying Expressions Practice on desk Expand 1st, then simplify expressions a)Find the product of 4f · 7g b)Multiply 3de · 9yz c)Double the product of 6y and 3bc

27 BINGO!! – use manipulatives as placeholders

28 Closing Discussion What is the difference between simplifying and expanding? How would you describe the following terms: – Factor – Variable – Product – Coefficient A number or variable that is multiplied to get a product A letter used to represent a number A number or variable that is multiplied to get a product

29 Homework

30 Announcements 3/20 Homework – Weekly Math #20 – due by next Friday completed – corrections will be due by the following Friday New late policy for 6 th grade: -1 day late = -10 -after 1 day late = 50% New AE schedule starts this week Iready (math) Wednesday and (la) Thursday MAP testing (Math) on Thursday = altered schedule

31 Warm Up - Thursday a)Is 2⁷ equal to 2 · 7? Explain. b)Randy has a party-size sandwich that is ¾ of a yard long. She will cut it into smaller sandwiches that are each 1/12 of a yard long. Give the expression and solve for the number of smaller sandwiches Randi can cut. When checked - go put up warm up book and grab baggie

32 Review Homework

33 Review lesson 7 quiz (geometry)

34 BINGO!!

35 Announcements 3/21 Homework – Factoring Expressions practice – Quiz over Lessons 9-11 (Tuesday-Friday) on Monday New late policy for 6 th grade: -1 day late = -10 -after 1 day late = 50% AE schedule this week Friday is 3A; Monday is 1 st block

36 Warm Up - Friday a)What is the GCF of 60 and 90? b)What is the LCM of 10 and 12? c)The high school’s lunch menu repeats every 6 days; the middle school lunch menu repeats every 8 days. Both schools are serving chicken wraps today. In how many days will both schools serve chicken wraps again? When checked - go put up warm up book and help someone struggling

37 Review What is the difference between simplifying and expanding? How would you describe the following terms: – Factor – Variable – Product – Coefficient A number or variable that is multiplied to get a product A letter used to represent a number A number or variable that is multiplied to get a product

38 Lesson 11 - Factoring Expressions Example 1 part a How many fives are in this model? How many threes are in this model? Represent the expression in words. Write an expression to represent the model?

39 Example 1 part b How many fives are in this model? How many threes are in this model? Represent the expression in words. Write an expression to represent the model.

40 Example 1 cont Discuss with partner: Are the two models equivalent? What is the relationship? What is the name of the property that is used to demonstrate that 2(5 + 3) is equivalent to 2(5) + 3(5)?

41 Example 2 Write an expression to represent this model. What does 2a mean? How many a’s are in the model? How many b’s are in the model?

42 Example 2 cont How many a’s are in the expression? How b’s are in the expression? Write an expression to represent this model. Are the two expressions equivalent?

43 Example 3 Use GCF and the distributive property to write equivalent expressions. 1.3f + 3g = _______________ How would it look if we expanded each term? What is the GCF in this problem? How can we use the GCF to rewrite this?

44 Example 3 Use GCF and the distributive property to write equivalent expressions. 2.6x + 9y = _______________ How would it look if we expanded each term? What is the GCF in this problem? How can we use the GCF to rewrite this? Evaluate the expression if x = 2 and y = 3

45 Example 3 Use GCF and the distributive property to write equivalent expressions. 3.3c + 11c = _______________ How would it look if we expanded each term? Is there a GCF in this problem? How can we use the GCF to rewrite this?

46 Announcements 3/25 Homework – Weekly Math #20 Corrections Taking quiz over lessons 9-11 today AE schedule this week Tuesday - 2B, Wednesday – Iready, Thursday – 3B, Friday - Iready

47 Warm Up – Tuesday a)Julie’s brother says that instead of paying her the $40 he owes her, he will give her $2 today and double the amount she has each day for 6 days. Should Julie accept her brother’s offer? Why or why not? b)Expand, then simplify a multiplication expression to represent 5⁴. *Have hwk over factoring expressions out, when checked put your warm up book up

48 Review Homework Use GCF and the distributive property to write equivalent expressions. 1.2x + 8y 2.13ab + 15ab 3.20g + 24h

49 Example 3 Use GCF and the distributive property to write equivalent expressions. 4.24b + 8 = _______________ How would it look if we expanded each term? What is the GCF in this problem? How can we use the GCF to rewrite this? Why is there a 1 in the parentheses?

50 Practice Complete and glue/staple/tape into notebook

51 Closing Discussion An expression that is a product of two or more expressions is said to be in factored form. Find the missing value that makes the two expressions equivalent. 14x + 12y ___(x + 3y) 35x + 50y___(7x + 10y) 18x + 9y___(2x + y) 32x + 8y___(4x + y) 100x + 700y___(x + 7y)

52 Quiz time Turn quiz in to me when finished and collect your weekly math#20 corrections

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