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Chapter 20 RIGHT TO EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. 1) December 1955 - _____________ refused to move to the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama It was city law.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 20 RIGHT TO EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. 1) December 1955 - _____________ refused to move to the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama It was city law."— Presentation transcript:


2 1) December 1955 - _____________ refused to move to the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama It was city law for African Americans to sit in the ______________ of city buses. She was arrested and ______________ of breaking the law. ROSA PARKS BACK SEATS FOUND GUILTY

3 Rosa Parks

4 She _____________ her conviction. The ___________________ overturned her conviction deciding that she had much ____________ to sit anywhere on the bus The _____ Amendment guarantees _______________________ of the law. It also guarantees both ______________ and _____________________ APPEALED SUPREME COURT RIGHT 14 T H EQUAL PROTECTION DUE PROCESS EQUAL PROTECTION


6 2) ______________ means the government must give each individual all the constitutional rights covered by law. It also means that each person should be given a “______________” under the law. It is ___________ to treat people unfairly because of race, religion, sex, age and background DUE PROCESS FAIR PROCESS ILLEGAL

7 3) People are victims of ____________. Many groups have been hurt by laws including, but not limited to, ______________________________________________________________ 4) The 14 th Amendment says that ______ may not deny people their constitutional rights. LATINOS, AFRICAN AMERICANS, PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES, AND WOMEN DISCRIMINATION STATES

8 5) The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 made it illegal to discriminate in _______________ ___________________________ Laws ________ say that everyone must be treated exactly the same in every case. Laws ____ say that no one can be treated unfairly HOUSING, EDUCATION, AND EMPLOYMENT DO NOT DO


10 6) Housing – The Constitution only covered acts by the _____________. _____________ were not bound by law. The _________________ changed the law to include private individuals, too. If people feel ______________ has occurred, they may sue in court. GOVERNMENT PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS CIVIL RIGHTS ACTS DISCRIMINATION

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