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Physics Honors AB –Day 2/8-2/9/2016 Temperature, Heat and Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics Honors AB –Day 2/8-2/9/2016 Temperature, Heat and Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics Honors AB –Day 2/8-2/9/2016 Temperature, Heat and Energy

2 Agenda What are you doing in the Summer? Homework Temperature, Heat, and Energy Length Contraction/Expansion

3 Summer Programs UT Mites Program Texas A&M Summer Camps UTSA Summer Engineering Camps Rice University Summer Programs

4 Heat

5 First, lets look at Temperature Temperature is proportional to the average kinetic energy of particles in substance

6 Temperature Adding or removing energy usually change the temperature This energy is called Thermal Energy Sum of both KE and PE KE – random motion of particles PE – separation and orientation of particles relative to each other A temperature difference causes energy to flow

7 What is happening when ice cube comes in contact with an object?


9 Temperature Which way does the energy flow?

10 Thermal Equilibrium Energy transfers between two objects in contact until they reach the same temperature Temperature is constant and there is no net transfer of energy

11 Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics Objects in contact with one another are in thermal equilibrium if they have the same temperature. Nothing Else Matters.

12 The Flow of Thermal Energy

13 Measuring Temperature In order to actually measure heat a universal scale was needed Celsius Scale is used in most of the world Fahrenheit is used in the United States


15 Kelvin Scale


17 Conceptual Questions Does a hot drink contain a lot of heat? What does temperature measure in terms of the atoms or molecules in the substance? What is energy that is transferred because of a temperature difference?


19 Thermal Expansion

20 Expansion is not just linear Expansion in area and volume So what happens when an object decreases in temperature

21 So how does this happen? Freezing water busting pipes

22 Water has a special property

23 Temperature Minilab – Homework Go to Thermo PhET LabThermo PhET Lab Press go to Activity Depending on browser directions will be different Homework quiz on Fri

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