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GD Plans for 2006 Ian Bird IT-GD IT PoW, November 2-4 2005.

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1 GD Plans for 2006 Ian Bird IT-GD IT PoW, November 2-4 2005

2 October 7, 2005 2 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 Reorganisation  GM joins GD  EIS and ARDA teams move to PSS  Create new sections:  OPS – Grid operations (SA1); led by Maite Barroso  ITR – Integration, testing, releases (SA3); led by Markus Schulz  Integration team – ETICS – Alberto Di Meglio  Certification and testbeds – Oliver Keeble  Middleware support and development – Markus Schulz  SC – LCG Service Coordination; led by Jamie Shiers  Much commonality between all teams – maintain ability to put people/expertise where needed  SC team will require tasks from other sections  And from other physics groups in IT … and outside

3 October 7, 2005 3 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 Reorganisation – 2  Still some LCG staff to replace/hire (5 posts)   some now will go to PSS  Replace EGEE (SA1) staff post hired by LCG  Additional EGEE-II SA1 post?  If funding is there  Is balance of funded/unfunded effort in SA1,SA3 OK?  Space!!!  Need to get more space in building 28;  Move people from building 31 into 28  Must ensure EIS team stays in contact with GD  Maintain this link with experiments  EGEE infrastructure extension projects:  SEE-Grid, EELA, BalticGrid, EUMedGrid, EUChinaGrid  Several Project Associates to be found, trained, integrated

4 October 7, 2005 4 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 LCG Service  Service challenges & service coordination  Jamie’s talk  Points to emphasise:  LCG service relies on support from across all of the IT physics groups, with priorities set accordingly  Jamie must be able to get the appropriate people assigned from all groups to undertake needed tasks or help in service coordination  LCG service should no longer be seen as something “other” – a solid service needs reliable hardware etc.  Make sure that FIO is running all the real service nodes  We don’t necessarily know the service parameters – whatever is specified now will be wrong!  Requests are based upon the best knowledge we have …  We (IT) must be prepared to adapt to changing usage patterns as the experiments learn what they need from the services

5 October 7, 2005 5 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 Integration to release  Integrate the JRA1 and SA1 integration, testing, certification, and release process  Set up the ETICS project and infrastructure  Hardware need: 20 servers, 10 as build servers (memory, cpu)  Understand how to, plan for, and migrate current LCG/SA1 and gLite integration, testing, certification processes into a single coherent process making use of ETICS services  This process starts now  Build consolidated middleware development and support teams across the JRA1 and GD teams  new team able to develop, maintain, support, debug, fix middleware  Change focus from middleware development to more emphasis on making components work solidly  Future developments driven by application and operational priorities  Not forgetting existing commitments in EGEE-I

6 October 7, 2005 6 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 Middleware  Agree middleware priorities:  Planning based on:  LCG baseline services  Input from other EGEE apps  Agreement through LCG …  Task forces, MB  … and through EGEE Technical Coordination Group  Essential that TCG is set up now (even though it is an EGEE-II team)  Note: this could mean that some components now under development may be put on hold or dropped  No distinction between “LCG-developed” and “JRA1 developed” components  Finalise baseline services for SC4:  Specify in detail the VO boxes  Understand roles and groups and needed implementations  New CE and RB in production  Interoperability with OSG, ARC  Needs policy statements from experiments  And then needs care that new developments do not break it

7 October 7, 2005 7 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 Middleware distribution  Currently:  gLite release (of many integrated components)  LCG-2.x release (integrating VDT, EDG, gLite pieces)  Goal:  Integrated release of a deployable middleware distribution  An evolution of LCG-2.x including certified gLite components  Re-branded as gLite-2.x  This simple statement has many technical and other implications  Initially will be just a label change  Requires:  Bringing together the deployment and installation, configuration tools currently in use in LCG-2.x (YAIM) and those developed by gLite  1 st discussion with site managers at Pisa  Move certification and pre-production set-ups to reflect what will end up in production

8 October 7, 2005 8 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 Test beds etc  Following integration of GD and GM and their processes, will need to:  Rationalise the use of test-beds: what is needed are:  Infrastructure for ETICS  Build system  Integration (part only ??)  Certification  Prototype (i.e. a place where apps can get an early look – had in prototype, EIS testbed, etc)  Pre-Production Service (CERN contribution to)  … The migration to ETICS will not be trivial – will need this in parallel to existing integration system for some time

9 October 7, 2005 9 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 Operations  Develop and publish full set of operations and service metrics  Needed to monitor LCG MoU commitments and EGEE “SLAs”  Based on existing Site Functional Test (SFT) framework  Full set has been agreed  Effort identified (even some outside CERN)  Stable services require us to expand certification to include:  Agreed top priority subset of service “ticklist”  Includes such things as documentation and service testing  Inter-operation  With OSG: principle agreed in Sept  Produce plan and agreed milestones together with OSG  Implementation

10 October 7, 2005 10 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 Preparing for EGEE-II  Technical Annexe  Requires effort until end of 2005, early 2006  Set up SA3:  This is Markus’ section … with the process integration discussed above  Need to set up external partnerships also  Understand how to work with openlab as part of this  Interoperation …  Set up TCG:  Needs to be done now …  SA1 and SA3 contribute

11 October 7, 2005 11 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 EGEE Commitments to Apr 06  JRA1 commitments (these also correspond to LCG milestones)  MJRA1.7 (Oct 31): Software for the second release candidate available (code freeze for gLite 1.5)  MJRA1.8 (Nov 30): Release Candidate 2 enters testing and validation period (Release 2)  DJRA1.6 (Dec 31): Release 2 (= gLite 1.5) Software and associated documentation  DJRA1.7 (Feb 28): Final report  SA1 commitments  DSA1.7 (Nov 30) Cookbook/ Planning guide (CERN)  MSA1.5 (Dec 31) Expanded production infrastructure (done)  DSA1.9 (Dec 31) Release notes corresponding (INFN)  DSA1.8 (Feb 28) Assessment of production operation (IN2P3)  EGEE Review in December focuses on JRA1 and SA1  Final Review in May

12 October 7, 2005 12 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 EGEE-II commitments (proposal)  MSA1.1 (Apr 30) Operations metrics defined (basis for reporting)  MSA1.2 (May 31) Inventory of operations tools, procedures, and gap analysis  MSA1.4 (Sep 30) CERT teams in place (CERN coord)  MSA3.1.1 (Apr 30) Inventory of production services and gap analysis with requirements  MSA3.2 (May 31) SA3 Process document  MSA3.5 (Jun 30) SA3 test plans (with responsibilities)  No CERN – JRA1 deliverable/milestone commitments

13 October 7, 2005 13 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 Open issues from 2005  GD  GD/CS/FIO: need resources for service challenges  Need resources for service  GD/Sec: I. Neilson leaves hole  OK with new LCG fellow in GD security team  GD/GM: SC2/3 software requirements, tight timescale  SC3/4 software requirements, tight timescale!  GD/GM: testing takes more effort than foreseen (had hoped for ready stuff from JRA1)  …  GD/DI: dCache issue  dCache developers responding to needs  GM  GM/LCG-GD?: ARDA planning, metadata catalog convergence  No longer an issue: but see previous comment on priorities  GM/GD?/LCG: what happened to original 5/7 people (for testing/integration)  Hmmm … testing is always a problem …

14 October 7, 2005 14 IT-GD; IT PoW Nov 2005 Other issues  CERN Certification Authority  GD would like to hand it over:  Have discussed with SWITCH (50 CHF/cert)  IS proposal  needs work now with EUGridPMA  Need to register grid services on high numbered ports as the firewall is closed by default

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