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The construction of a crop wild relatives database for the UK Presentation for PGR-Forum Menorca, 21 April 2004 Maria Scholten, Nigel Maxted, Brian Ford-Lloyd,

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Presentation on theme: "The construction of a crop wild relatives database for the UK Presentation for PGR-Forum Menorca, 21 April 2004 Maria Scholten, Nigel Maxted, Brian Ford-Lloyd,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The construction of a crop wild relatives database for the UK Presentation for PGR-Forum Menorca, 21 April 2004 Maria Scholten, Nigel Maxted, Brian Ford-Lloyd, Chris Baggott, Shelagh Kell University of Birmingham

2 The construction of a crop wild relatives database for the UK Terms of reference: National Inventory of UK PGR (Department of Food, Environment and Rural Affairs) for crop wild relatives and landraces At School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham Agriculture and Food uses

3 Procedure Starting point: the PGR-Forum first match of Mansfeld’s with Euro+Med database, filtered on UK distribution Harmonisation of European and UK taxonomies (UK taxonomy = National Flora (Stace 1997) Check with UK ethnobotanical literature on uses Collate occurrence data from botanical surveys (UK occurrence data = New Atlas 2002) Collate conservation data

4 Database structure: two taxonomies Crop Wild Relatives Euro+Med +MDB- genus Euro+Med+MDB- species Euro+Med+MDB -subspecies FamilyISO Stace- genus Stace_ species Stace_ subsp AvenafatuaPoaceaeGBRAvenafatua Avenasterilissubsp. ludoviciana PoaceaeGBRAvenasterilissubsp. ludoviciana Avenasterilissubsp. sterilisPoaceaeGBRAvenasterilissubsp. sterilis AvenasterilisPoaceaeGBRAvenasterilis AvenastrigosaPoaceaeGBRAvenastrigosa

5 Database structure: two taxonomies in order to retain synonyms

6 UK Crop Wild Relatives Overview Total UK taxa: 4111 CWR agriculture and food: 973 20.3 % of UK flora is a crop wild relative for agriculture and food

7 UK Crop Wild Relatives Overview Number of families: 72 1.Poaceae 2.Cyperaceae 3.Rosaceae 4.Fabaceae 5.Asteraceae Number of genera: 233 Number of species: 836

8 Database structure: occurrence data Floristic data: botanical surveys (most recent 1999) Data format: number of 10 by 10 km squares Change index to indicate relative change

9 Database structure: linking taxonomy with distribution data sensu lato

10 Occurrence categories > 50% (= very common) 20 – 50% (= common) > 200 squares – 20% 100 – 200 10 by 10 km squares < 16 10 by 10 km squares (= rare) 16 – 100 10 by 10 km squares (= scarce)

11 UK Crop Wild Relatives Occurrence Overview 19% of taxa is very common (>50% of grid squares) 37% of taxa is common to very common 46% of taxa occurs in less than 200 grid squares

12 UK Crop Wild Relatives in decline 11% of taxa is scarce (< 200 grids) AND in decline 12% of native taxa 17% of archeophytes Are synanthropic taxa more vulnerable? Examples of threatened archeophytes: Carum carvi, Chenopodium ssp.

13 Database structure: Conservation related fields Threat assessment (IUCN) Legal conservation status (UK Legislation) Conservation action (Biodiversity Action Plan)

14 IUCN Threat Assessment IUCN threat categorynative total taxa CR (Critically Endangered) 9 10 EN (Endangered) 8 9 VU (Vulnerable) 35 38 NT (Near Threatened) 18 21 LC (Least Concern) 13 14 NS (Nationally Scarce) 84 92 DD (Data Deficient) 3 3 NE (Not Evaluated)451783

15 Conservation priorities: Endemics or socio-economics? 12 of 18 endemic taxa have IUCN threatened of near-threatened status (14 of 18 endemic taxa are Sorbus) Or socio-economic importance?

16 The construction of a national crop wild relatives database for the UK: conclusions Taxonomy is important and time- consuming Other data-entry is relatively easy and fast IUCN assessment relatively easy

17 Application of CWR data: Avena strigosa Schreb. Before 1970 1989- 1999 Distribution data of wild A. strigosa

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