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He attended the University of Zurich where he studied under Raabe.

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1 He attended the University of Zurich where he studied under Raabe.


3 wrote on prime number theory and geometry, then later on probability and statistics - a long paper discussed Buffon's needle experiment. He estimated π by Monte Carlo methods

4 his main contribution, however, was his work on the 11 year sunspot cycle.

5 He also studied at Vienna and Berlin where he attended lectures by Encke, Dirichlet, Poggendorf, Steiner and Crelle. In 1838 he visited Gauss then the following year he became a teacher of mathematics and physics at the University of Bern. He became professor of astronomy there in 1844.

6 Johann Rudolf Wolf Born: 7 July 1816 in Fällanden (near Zurich), Switzerland Died: 6 Dec 1893 in Zurich, Switzerland

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