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Trivia Challenge The combined weight of all the world's ants is equal to that of all the humans on earth. or.

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Presentation on theme: "Trivia Challenge The combined weight of all the world's ants is equal to that of all the humans on earth. or."— Presentation transcript:


2 Trivia Challenge

3 The combined weight of all the world's ants is equal to that of all the humans on earth. or

4 What ants lack in size, they more than make up for in sheer numbers. According to renowned entomologist E.O. Wilson, there are an estimated 10,000,000,000,000 ants on earth, and their combined weight is equivalent to the entire human population. That's roughly 1.6 million ants for each person. or

5 Swallowed chewing gum takes seven years to digest and pass through your system. or

6 Chewing gum is largely indigestible, but it will make its way through your digestive system at the same rate as anything else you consume. or

7 Honeybees communicate with one another by dancing. or

8 Bees can describe the distance, direction, quality and quantity of a food source with a complex waggle dance that they perform when they return to the hive. A circular dance indicates that the food is within about 35 yards, while a figure-8 pattern indicates that it is farther away. or

9 Today, enormous alligators inhabit New York City's sewer system. Adopted regularly as babies by New Yorkers visiting Florida, they are brought home and then flushed down the toilet once their owners tire of them. or

10 It is true that alligators have been found in many unlikely places, such as swimming pools as well as some sewers. However, while rats, insects and some stray fish do call New York's sewers home, over the long term an alligator would have difficulty surviving the cold, the close quarters, the lack of sufficient prey and the bacteria commonly found there. or

11 We are going to have an awesome time learning about science tonight! or

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